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Excuse any mistakes


We rushed downstairs seeing Denise push mama off of her. "Woah" me and Karen jumped in the way as Jacky and Twinkie got Niecy

"Them! They are your girls, not me."

"Denise, you are her girl as well. What's wrong Niecy talk to me." Karen went up to her and I just looked cause ain't no way Karen really bout to take her side.

"Karen you and I both know she holds you and Dorinda as her back bone, I'm nothing compared to y'all two."

"That's not true Niecy, sometimes you distant yourself from us and I'm sorry if that had something to do with it."

"I appreciate that Karen honestly." The rest of us just looked at her.

"What happened."

"Niecy, I want you out!"

"Mama please don't, she's pregnant she needs somebody, she needs us."

"She placed her hands on mama Karen are you really on her side!"

"Somebody has to be! Y'all so conflicted by what she's done like have y'all fully forgotten Jacky isn't a true Clark Leo either. Did y'all forget? We are not perfect no matter what our teachings is. We're gonna make mistakes but for y'all to act like this is beyond me! Jacky you yourself you just told me in the room what you been doing. Dorinda you and I neither are innocent we don't have no right to judge because it could be any one of us! Why are y'all on her so damn bad my god! She's pregnant it should be a joyous celebration not y'all ridiculing her and judging her.  Denise look we aren't close but I'm here for you. And if y'all feel some type of way because I'm standing beside her and supporting her, kiss my ass cause ain't none of y'all Jesus. Come on Niecy."

We stood there with our mouths dropped opened nobody said a word.

"Oh and another thing, y'all call y'all self Christians but this proves exactly why you're not."

"KAREN! KAREN!" She marched upstairs leaving us still in shock. For Karen to just snap at all of us like that was beyond disrespectful I don't know what Niecy been putting in her ear but she needs stop.


"Don't! Don't speak to me right now, all of y'all go to y'all rooms and stay there."

"Yes ma'am." We all begin to walk upstairs whispering to one another.

" I can't believe the audacity Niecy has to poison Karen like that."

"stop blaming it on Niecy and realize that the true Karen talking. We've all treated her like a baby and shielded her when this whole time she's been watch what we do. She's been holding our secrets long before we've been holding hers."

"Regardless of anything Twinkie Karen had no right to speak to us like that."

"She had every right. Look how we've been acting lately, look how we've been responding Dorinda. Look how you yourself have been treating her, she had more than enough right to put all of us in our place even mama."

"Jacky's right Dorinda we're no better then the other folks because we've become them. Instead of us coming together for our sister in her time of need we've turned the other cheek and acted as if her blood didn't run the same as ours. We're the ones in the wrong, and I'm going to go apologize to the both of them."


"Kare?" I heard Twinkie at the door and I slowly opened it.


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