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Excuse any mistakes


"Karen get up."

"Jacky no."

"Karen come on now, I got somewhere to be and I want you to come with me."

"Why me."

"Karen because I trust you now get up."

"Fine fine." She got up wrapping the sheet around her.

"Since when you started sleeping naked."

"Since y'all stop turning on the air. Now if you could excuse me honeybun."

I nudged her and she just shook her head and laughed. So what the family didn't know was I was moving out, honestly I don't know how they're gonna take it but I know in my heart I gotta do it for me.



"What's going on with you and glen? I mean y'all been quiet lately and you've been sneaking out more and more."

"Wait you know?"

"Know? Please, I've watched you." Point proven Karen's been keeping all our secrets.

"So what's up wit it, you graduated  a couple of weeks ago, I know y'all went out cause you came back with a sway in your walk that night after your graduation. You already finished your advance nursing classes, what's next?"

"You knew I was taking nursing?"

"Yes Jacky, I snuck into your room one day and was snooping."

"Why you little." I got up as she ran in the bathroom slipping on the towel causing us both to fall back.

"Karen you're wet!"

"My man like me like that."


"Girl, let me put some clothes on and I'll be out."


I left out of her room seeing mama with Dorinda.

"Hey y'all."

"Hey jacks." Dorinda came over to me grinning.

"What you want Dorinda."

"Oooooh nothing."

"Jacky so you have plans today?"

"Actually yes mama, I was taking Karen out today. You know some one on one, big sister little sister date."

"That's nice of you Jacky."

"Yea uh—."

"Alright Jacky, I'm ready- oh hey mama, doe doe."

"Hey karebear." Mama acknowledged her with a simple head nod. This the exact reason why I got to leave, my mama is immature at times. Karen called her mess out and now she's just as mad as ever, but in actuality somebody had to do and Karen wasn't scared to.

"Oh Karen when you come back I need you and Dorinda to start working on y'all blend." She wouldn't even look at Karen when she was talking to her.

"Yes ma'am." I grabbed my coat and mother handed me the keys.

"Be safe and be careful with my car Jacky."

"I will." Karen and I walked out the door as I drove down to this apartment meeting Glenn.

"Hey babe." He hugged and kissed me as Karen started making faces and gagging noises.

"Just so sick" she said smiling at me

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