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Excuse any mistakes


We were at the doctor's office awaiting our turn with the gynecologist. Karen made us an appointment to start birth control. I really appreciate her for looking out, honestly I was scared to come.


"Yea Karen."

"You going for the pills or shot?"

"I think the pills, I don't like needles."


"Clark?" Dorinda and I both stood up as the lady looked at us and called our last night


"Come on Doe."

"Just one of you."

"I'm sorry, she can come. I have that right."

"Fine." We walked back hand in hand to the room. "Which one of you ladies want to go first?"

"I'll do it."Karen spoke up, the lady handed her a gown and she went to change leaving me and the doctor by ourselves.

"So y'all sisters?"

"Yes, she's my baby sister."

"That's nice, so y'all sexually active?"

"Uh umm."

"Yea this gown ain't it, my buns are out." I was glad to see Karen, but she had a point; her buns were out.

"Karen." I chuckled at her as she got situated on the table as a sheet was placed over her.

"Ms. Clark I'm gonna swab down here, just to check your fluids and stuff."

I held her hand the whole while, it took about 30 minutes for her to help Karen. Now it was my turn. I on the other hand was nervous, I haven't been feeling myself lately and my last cycle was painful, so so painful.

Karen came by and kissed my forehead as I squeezed her hand. "I'm right here Rinda, I'm not going nowhere." I smiled at her as the lady did to me what she did to Karen.

"Umm, Ms. Clark? May I ask when's the last time you've had your cycle?"

"Last month."

"And the pain tolerance of your cycle?"

"One of the worst ones ever."

"Rinda, how come you didn't tell me."

"You were busy, I'm fine. It's fine, I promise."

"Dorinda, I'll make it up to you ok.

"Ladies the only reason I ask is that you Ms Clark didn't have your cycle, you had a miscarriage..."

"Waaahhh?" My eyes popped out of my head as Karen looked at me.

"Wait she was pregnant?"

"The cervix tissue and fluid show that she was pregnant."

"But how, I should've know if I was pregnant."

"Not technically if it was a cryptic pregnancy."

"Kryptonite who?"

"Cryptic, some woman experience a pregnancy without knowing they were pregnant. Did you have any signs of morning sickness, feeling sick or anything?"

"Uh yea uh bout 2 months ago when my sister found out she was pregnant."

"Oh yea, Ethan walked pass the room and seen you sick."

"Ethan? Ethan Sheard?"

"Umm yes, you know him?"

"Know him, he almost knocked me up. If anything you girls stay away from him. He just walks around sleeping with different females unprotected and leaves when he knocks them up. Anyway, would you guys want the pill, the shot, or the patch?"

"I'll take the pills." Karen spoke

"I'll do that also, I don't like needles to much."

"Alright, here you ladies are and you are own your way, though Ms. Dorinda I'm gonna set you another appointment to check on that miscarriage and get you back right so your body won't feel off ok?"

"Yea ok." We left as Karen looked at me.


"No dorinda, I don't wanna talk right now. You should've came to me for the slightest discomfort."

"I was scared."

"So you knew?"

"Yes, I knew I was pregnant. I just thank god that I didn't show."

"Dorinda do you know you could've died!" She grabbed me holding me up by my arms.

"Karen, put me down."

"No dorinda, do you know how serious this is."

"Karen.." I literally started to cry. Her grip was so tight I knew I had a bruise.

"I— I'm sorry." She put me down and looked at me.

"I just wanted to protect you, help you, be there for you. You got to tell me things Rinda that's what we do, that's why we're so close to each other. How come you didn't tell me sweetheart."

"Because I didn't know who that baby belonged to."

"What you saying Rinda?"

"It could've been our fathers..."


I didn't wanna talk no more about it, we got home and she came to my room laying in bed with me. I stroked her hair and kissed her forehead.

"I'm sorry if I seemed angry, I do apologize for gripping your arms too tight as well. I love you Rinda and once again I just wanna protect you and be there for you."

"I know, I love you too." I hugged her so tight and instantly started crying. I wasn't there to protect her, she probably cried because the pain was unbearable and I was somewhere on top of Drew. Have I become so consumed in him that I've forgotten about her...

Rinda, my bestfriend, my sister.

"Dorinda I'm so sorry if I've ever abandoned you. If I made you feel like I didn't have time for you. Always come to me, I don't care. Understand me Dorinda. You come to me no matter what."

"Karen you're fine, it's nothing you could've done. I forgive you, I understand as well. I did you the same way when I first got with Greg. I love you, and I thank you for always protecting me, for being there for me regardless near or far."

"Always babygirl."

"So do I tell mother?"

"Not until you're ready."

"Will I ever be ready? This-This was already a big pill to swallow."

"Don't do it until you're ready and when you are, I'll hold your hand."


"Ok. Come on, I'll cook you some chicken."

"Now you know I love me some chicken."

"Remember ear consultation in the morning."

"I know, I can't wait to be back singing fully with you girls."

"I can't wait either, you're the only one that can go toe to toe with me. Thanks again for singing for Drew's father pastoral anniversary."

"We'll do anything for you Karen and believe me going toe to toe with you is my favorite thing to do. I've learned so much from you."

"No I've learned everything from you."

"Couldn't have learned from anyone better." 

We got up goin downstairs to the kitchen. I hope mom doesn't act no fool when she tell her cause she doesn't need that. She just need us to be there for her. I just wonder is she gonna tell Greg...

And also, who was the baby father?..

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