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Excuse any mistakes


"Ooohh Drew." Her hands were in mines as I stroked deeply in her. I leaned down and kissed her passionately, while she continuously moaned in my mouth.

"I love you, I love you. Til the end of time Karen I'll always love you, understand me." I looked into her eyes as I did everything slowly. I knew she might've wanted me to speed up, but I didn't want that. I wanted her to take in the moment, feel everything I had to give her.

Karen was so beautiful to me, the brightest smile, the purest heart. Her touch, could send chills through my body.

"Mhmm." Tears fell from her now closed eyes as her hands began to tighten around mines. She was close, she tightened against my member as it felt like she was trying to pull the nut out of me.

This condom my daddy gave me did the dang on thang, because I still felt every wetness that came from her. Gotta give this old man his props.

"Mhhh Drew." She held my face in her hands with her lip tucked in between her teeth. Her eyes were locked on mines still watery and outlined in pure ecstasy.

"Come on babygirl, talk back to me." Her body moved against me as she riding through her climax.

"God hamercy." I mumbled placing my face in her neck. This girl had me on the verge of a tremble. Her arms wrapped about me as she bit my shoulder to keep from screaming.

"Right there baby, keep it right there.. mhhh." And there it was like a water hose her fluids began to soak the sheets.

"Mhhh! Drew, oh my god." She shook and so did I, as I released in the condom. I slowly pulled out as she looked at me pushing me down and pulling the condom off.

"Oh no no no, uh uh." I backed up from her, Karen had a mouth on her and not just for singing.

"Don't tell me what to do." I seen my manhood disappear in her mouth as my head went back.

"Mhh, my pretty girl." I gripped her hair as her butt rose higher in the air as she took all of me in her mouth.

This girl is talented. My eyes rolled and my toes curled.

"Mhhh, I love you daddy." She licked the base coming up to the tip.

"You better watch that." I hated that motion she would do, it would always make me feel like a punk.

"Or what?"

"Mhh, you'll see what."

Just then we heard banging at the front door. "What the—."

"Hey Drew! Open up please!" Ugh! He cannot be doing this to me now.

"Baby, get the door it sounds serious."

"Ok ok, but I'm not done with you."

"I'll be waiting sexy." She winked at me as she sat back in the bed.

God she's so fine.

I put on my pjs going downstairs grabbing the door. "Ethan, what the hell and where's your key."

"I-I couldn't grab it I—." This fool was shaking bad.

"Yo man are you ok?" I looked at him closely noticing a shadow behind him.

"Who that behind you?" He didn't say nothing as the person walked up.

"Denise?" Tears spilled from her eyes, something's wrong. "Aye Karen! Put some clothes on and get down here!"

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