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A little intimate chapter, Excuse any mistakes



Those seemed like the only movements Karen could make as Drew drove into her from behind. Sweat glistened both of there bodies as the love making just started. Sweet words and kisses were said and placed on any part Drew could touch in his position

Nothing could be heard but the sound of Drew entering and exiting her warmth. It seem to be that nothing more needed to be said because it was already understood.

He pulled out turning her over, placing his legs on her shoulders and sliding back into her. Her hands reached for his arms immediately feeling every inch of him deep within her.

"Mhhh." Karen's high pitched moans begin to fill the room as Drew decided in that moment she couldn't have looked or sounded any better.

Candles still burned brightly as time began to slow down only for them. In that moment nothing matter but the presence of the two embodied in there on love language.

Karen's nails would dig into his arms as he would go slow and deep inside of her. Her mouth fell open but nothing came out.

Drew didn't mind the silence between them but her knew hearing her always turned him on. So now he was dedicated to draw out every moan, groan, and obscenity that could fall from the full lips of his lover.

He pushed her legs back by her head becoming face to face with her. 

"You been quiet for too long beautiful, you know I gotta hear you." He kissed her cheek looking into her eyes as he seen her trynna go against him.

Drew was built with a curve and he knew just how to use it. He struck her spot with enough force to make the whole bed move.

"Ahh." It was a short moan and he wanted more.

Unleash the beast is what some folks would call it because now Drew was on a mission.

"You're taking it so well my pretty girl." He looked her in her eyes as he spoke just watching the sharp intakes of her breath; and seeing her slowly become undone.

Her eyes would roll to the point you saw the whites of them. In this moment Karen was losing it.

Drew begin to throb while still inside of her signaling he was close but pulling out was the furthest from his mind. He had offered a condom earlier that evening but Karen refused for him to wear one. Though she pulled out her ziplock bag of pill that she got from Niecy, knowing that she'd soon have to go on birth control; she took the opportunity to not let the plan Bs go to waist.

Karen wasn't dumb she played it smart. She made her and Dorinda an appointment next week to go to a gynecologist to set up and see the methods of birth control.

Karen knew that if she took to many of these her body wouldn't respond but this would be her 3rd time popping one.

Karen thighs began to tremble like thunder underneath Drew hands.

"Daddy.." she said it in such a quiet whine that sent chills up Drew's back

"Yes babygirl."

"Why you're doing this to meee." The whining was getting to Drew he loved every bit of hearing her like this. It drove him to go deeper.

"Because princess I need you to feel me, all of me, and all the love I have to give to you. I need you to know that you are mines and mines alone. There's nobody else in this world that you'd look better by than me. The love that I have for you the world didn't give it and the world can't take it away. This.. this here is just a mere sample of my love for you, you have no idea what else I'm capable of when it comes to you. So let these hours dwell in your mind and cause a flood between your thighs in moments when you don't want it too. That's how you'll know how deep my love runs for you.."

They shared a kiss that was nasty, sloppy, and passionate at the same time. All the while becoming undone within each other. Drew gripped Karen's hair as her arms wrapped tightly around waist and nails digging deep into his skin breaking the first layer.

Karen hissed in his ear as she dang near fainted and like a flood her orgasm struck her body so hard she went limp. All you could hear was the gushing of water as it hit the sheets on the bed.

Drew pulled away to look and it just excited him even more. He was still at large inside of her as he began to mercilessly pound into her cause her to moan and scream like never before at this point.

"I can't daddy, I can't ouuu."  Karen moans and facial expressions wasn't helping her at all, in fact it just caused Drew to give more of himself. He absolutely loved this side of Karen and was honored that he'd be the only one to elect this side out of her.

"Yes you can babygirl."

"Oh my god." There she blows again like a fire hydrant.

"Shit, Karen I love you." He laid on top of her holding her close as he filled her up with his love. Both of them staring at each other smiling.

"You know I'm yours don't you?"

"You better be.." they laughed as they shared a kissed that had them so wrapped up in each other that eventually they fell asleep.

Love... they had it and no one could take it away from them...


I woke up to Drew still inside me, looking over at the clock it was 8:30 the next morning.

"Drew, Drew baby get up."

"Nah, not yet." I felt him harden inside me for the umpteenth time, but I was just too sensitive to take anymore from him.

"No baby, please.." he stroked slowly until I was wet and moaning. I couldn't say no to him even if I just did.

"Mhh Drew."

"Now this is how we should wake up every morning."

"God, you fuck me so good." That was it y'all, I was trapped in him again. Dickmatized if you would like to call it.

"I know I do." I felt his fingers come in contact with me as he teased me.

"Drew ion mean no harm either you gone play in it or lay in it which one you doing." He pulled back looking at me as I challenged him. I reached my hand down there taking over since he failed to do that task. I was gonna make him bust quicker than usual and I knew just how to do it.

He started stroking faster as I matched him.

"Stop chocking me."

"Uh uh, this what you wanted huh?" I swiped my own juices and tasted myself seeing him become more aroused by that. Now to tell the truth ion normally get down like this but Drew just brings a different side that I can't help but let things get a lil nasty for him.

"Karen I said ssstop."

"What's the matter baby, you can't take it." I kept clenching for I myself was becoming close to the finish line.

"Shit no." He pulled out right time I started creaming on him and nutted on my stomach.

"You.. god you're too good." He picked me up kissing me hungrily as we made our way to the bathroom.

"I love you baby."

"I love you more." He put me down as I popped the pill in my mouth. My legs was so weak I had to hold on to any and almost everything.

"Woah mama."

"I'm fine." It was never like this before what did Drew do to me.

"Say uh, I was wondering if you and the girls could come sing at my father's church for the pastoral anniversary service?"

"I'd love too and I'm pretty sure the girls wouldn't mind either."

"Really, oh man. My mom loves to hear you and your sisters sing man."

"Well you can count on us being there even if I have to drag them."

"They'll go wherever you go, so dragging won't be necessary." We hopped in the shower continuing our conversation.

I admired Drew and his family so much and sometimes wished my parents could've gotten along like them. But something's aren't meant to last.

I can only pray that Drew and I are, because I don't think I could live without him...

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