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She stopped car I front her house. She take deep breath and went in. "Dad? I'm home." She called out. "I'm here honey." Her dad screams through kitchen. She walks to the kitchen. "You text me you want to talk, so I'm here." She said while she sat on a chair. "Honey. You know how I tell you something as I will be done with some thing?"

"Yeah dad." Dad look at her strangely. "Dad what's happened you scared me." She said worriedly, stand up from chair and step back. "Valeria. In this town is werewolf. Two werewolves actually. And we have to kill them." Valeria look at him shock. "What, why?" She asked confusing. "They're bad. And that is our job. And you ready so you'll join me." She look at him like she can't believe this.

"Valeria you have to promise me, you help me kill them. We can't let them destroy our homeland." Her dad look like he mean that seriosuly. "But why dad? That werewolves didn't do anything to our homeland." She argued. "Honey you didn't understand that. I hope you will understand that. That you'll help me but I was wrong again." He said heavy sighs.

"What do you mean again? Huh, what again dad?" She shout at him. "I'm trying if you didn't notice. I'm trying control my powers but you didn't even teach me how! I was alone at this because you was gone becuase your job. We still moving and you tell that this is our homeland. That not our homeland. That is your crazy psyche!" She said angrilly. "Oh, now you calling that is my crazy psyche? You know what you help me if you like it or not. End of discussion." He stand up and walks upstairs and he slammed the door.

Valeria just heavy sigh and slowly sit on the ground, put her head against the wall. She didn't understand why her dad's behaviour was like that. She stand up and grabs her things which means her crossbow. Her crossbow puts in her bag and her phone puts on her back pocket. She walk to the door and her direction was woods.


Valeria was at the woods and she was ready shot her bow with arrow at the trees. She doing that when she's angry. It's make her calm and relax. But when she she pressed the trigger she hear something. Someone. "What are you doing here? Huh?" Asked the man but when she turns around she notice it was not at her but at someone else. She see Stiles with Scott and in front of them was Derek. Derek Hale. 'What is he doing here' she thought. Oh no. That means in this town isn't two werewolves but three because her dad didn't know Scott is werewolf. And she can't let her dad know about that.

"This is private property." Derek cut her thoughts. "Uh, sorry man, we didn't know." Stiles answered as he slowly step back.
"Yeah, we were just looking for something..." Scott mumbled, looking straight forward Derek eyes. "Forget it."
Derek took something from his pocket of his leather jacket and throw it over Scott. Valeria realized it was his inhaler. But why did Derek keep it? And how did he know? As Scott get his inhaler him and Stiles went away.

Derek turned around and he notice valeria as she stood with crossbow in her hand. Derek run towards her. "Who are you?" He said angrilly. "Jeez, chill out doggie. I'm not gonna hurt you." He scrunched his face of that nickname. "You didn't answer my question. Who. Are. You?"

"I'm Valeria Reckenzie." His eyes widen and he trows her at the tree. And walks towards he and put his hand into her neck.
"Why you here? Didn't you have enough?" He huffed at her.
"Wh-what? What e-e-e-enough?" She start lose the voice because derek you strangled. Derek notice and he put his hand away her neck. She start coughed "You didn't know? Your dad put the fire at my house. " her eyes go widen and quickly answered. "What? No. I'm not with my dad. And it happened when I was 6. So no I didn't know. He didn't tell me about that he just told me he has do some thing." She wasn't angry at Derek she was angry at her dad that didn't tell her what he was done.

"Oh, well you did know now." He said and start walked away but he turns around to her direction. "You didn't answered why you here?" She looks up at him. "We moved. Again. With my father. He tell me -" she stopped talking realising she can't tell him it it could endanger him. And she can't let that happened. "What did he tell you?" He asked walking toward her.
"Umm he tell me -Um." She nervously step back and strat turns around but Derek puts his hands on her shoulders and turns her to his direction. "What. Did. He. Tell. You?"

"Derek I- I can't tell you because if I tell you your life will be endanger." She tell him. "Oh, don't worry my life is endanger whole life. So. Tell. Me." He look through her eyes. She sighs.
"My dad tell me I have to join him to his tea - wait why I'm telling you this. I'm didn't even trust you if you tell someone." She steps back away from him. "Oh come on Valeria. Just tell me how can I even tell someone. Nobody will be trust me."

That will be true but still they didn't trust each other. She sighed and continue talking. "Okay but we have made deal." Derek look at her impressed. "Okay tell." She smiled. "I tell you if you let me help Scott to protect him and -" She can't finish sentence because derek cuts her. "Whoa, whoa. Wait how can you even know Scott is werewolf? Huh?" He looks at her confusing. "You didn't let me finish sentence. If i tell you you let me protect Scott from my father. And how I even know? Answer is easy. I have supernatural powers. I'm like hunter but not humans hunter. Supernatural hunter. But you can actually know that. My family have powers like super hearing, sniff where werewolves are and run faster then huma expect my mum she was human. And my family kill werewolves but I never join them because I'm here to protect werewolves but my father didn't know about that and if he found that he kill me."

Derek while thinking about that hut he nods. "What? What you mean like she was human?" He look at her and she already look at him. Then he know her mum was dead. He sighs and look at her with comfort look. "Okay deal. I let you protect him and your dad don't kill you only through my corpse. " She look at him shock. "What?" She didn't understand what she hear from him. He smiled. "Now we have to help each other and help. So now we project each other." She smiled at him. " I'm yours and Scot's projector Derek."
They smiled each other and walked away.

Teen wolf~Stiles Stilinski Where stories live. Discover now