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"You really don't remember anything?" Allison asked Lydia as they rocked on your to school. It's five days that Valeria still missing. They still trying to find her, not giving hope down that they can't find her.

"They called it fugue state, which is basically their way of saying we have no idea you can't remember running around naked for two days." Lydia explained as they walked up to the doors of Beacon Hills school. "But personally, I don't care. I lost nine pounds." Lydia said proudly as they stand in front of the door.

"Are you ready for this?" Allison asked softly as Lydia give her tight smile.

"Please, it's not like my aunt's a serial killer." Lydia around and opened the door to school hallways and Alisson's face dropped.

Then Allison followed Lydia in afterward and literally everyone in that hallaway stopped and stared at Lydia.

"Maybe it's the nine pounds." Allison whispered closely to Lydia as she made crack smile. She flicks her hair to the side before strutting down to hallaways proudly. Allison smiled as she walked with Lydia.


I was laying on the ground, shivering. What I see was empty and so dark. I was so scared. I never was that scared as I was right now. I want to my friends to find me. I wanted to be home. But how long I was here I start to loosing my hope that they could find me.

I coughed as I feel cold. I was in my bra and my black jeans. I wasn't wear my t-shirt because I give that Lydia. My hand went to my mouth and blowed warm breath, trying to keep my hands warm. But it didn't work cuz' how I was so cold. I bring my legs to my chest, trying to keep warm.

I'm missing about five days I guess. And they still didn't find me. I didn't even remember what happened to me or where I was and how I found myself here. But I feels little different but I can't explain how. I didn't know how can I explained how fells like that if it because I'm sick or it was something else. I'm trying to sit then sit and feels my all body was hurting, I'm hiss of the pain. I sighed, stop trying to sit becuase  it make my body more hurt. I closed my eyes, 'cause I feel fatigue. But then was heard someone walks towards me so I open my eyes. "Hello? Who's there? Is someone's here?" She asked shakily. "Ou how stupid of me." I said to myself. I slowly stand up and walks towards it.


Stiles was sat next to Scott. "Why would Derek choose Isaac?" Scott asked.

"Peter told me that if the bite doesn't turn you it could kill you." Stiles whispered back. "And maybe teenagers have better chance of surviving."

"Does being a teenager mean your dad can't hold him?" Scott asked him.

"Well, bot unless they have solid evidence, or a witness." Stiles confirmed. He turn around to Danny and leaning forward to him. "Danny." Stiles whispered. "Where's Jackson?"

"In the principal's office talking to your dad." Danny answered.

"What? Why?" Stiles questioned.

"Maybe because he lives across the street from Isaac." Danny replied as Stiles turned back at Scott.

"Witness. We gotta to the principal's office." Stiles added.

"How?" Scott asked with raised eyebrows.

"Everyone turn to page 73,"

Stiles smirked as he scrunched up a piece paper and through it Mr. Harris' direction.

Teen wolf~Stiles Stilinski Where stories live. Discover now