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I walks in Beacon Hills Warehouse District where Chris, Isaac and Scott pull up in the SUV.

"Scott, don't! Don't!" I heard Derek shouted.

I'm sorry but I have to." Scott said. He grabs the paralysed Derek's head and holding his mouth open while Gerard inserts his arm.

I watched in shock. But something was wrong I can feel it.

Gerard's arm start oozing black. "What? What is this? What did you do?" Gerard asked.

"Everyone said Gerard alway had a plan. I had a plan too." Scott said.

"No, no." Gerard said as he took out pills he's been taking. "Montain Ash!" The black blood comings out fro his eyes and nose. He spews a torrent of black goo into the air and collapses on the floor.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Derek asked.

"Because you might be an Alpha. But not mine." Scott said.

Gerard layed on the floor. "Kill them! Kill them all!" He scream at Kanima. He collapsed on the ground, the creature loosen its grip kn Allison as she elbows it in the face. Then it throws her to the ground making me run towards her.

"Hey, Allison are you okay?" I asked her, kneeling to her.

She just nodded.

"Jackson. Jackson." Lydia said.

My eyes widen as I watched Jackson slowly transform back into his human self. I could see Lydia was shaking as she watch him.

I helped Allison stand up as I looked and saw Peter come out from behind a pole, then Derek launched himself at Jackson and him and Peter sunk their claws into Jackson.

I gasped as my hand up to ny mouth in shock as they killed Jackson. I feel tear falls down to my cheek and I wiped quickly before someone could noticed but I gues Allison noticed it because she give me squeeze.

When Peter and Derek retracted their claws and backed away, Jackson started cough and slowly sink to the floor. Lydia went towards him and gently grabbed onto his body.

"Do- do you- still-" Jackson coughed.

Lydia nodded quickly. "I do! I do still love you. I do, I do still love you. I do." Lydia started sob as Jackson's head fell onto her shoulder.

But tears started fall from my eyes as Allison give me hug, crying together. The small key fell to the ground, and I looked at it.

Lydia laid Jackson down on the floor, as she stood up and turned to face us, ready to walk over us. But then I notice Jackson stand up. My eyes widen as I watched him stand up fully, then arch his back as he let out howl. Then his eyes glowing bright blue.

Lydia turn around and launched herself at Jackson, holding each other tightly as they cried to themselves.

I leaned to Allison as she rubbed my back. "Where's Gerard?" She asked.

"He couldn't have gotten far." Allison's dad said as he glanced around.

Then I saw Stiles cried. "They scratched my jeep."


I take a deep breath as I was standing in front of my old house. I have to grab a few my clothes what I have left in there. I have to gather courage.

Becuase when I grab all my stuff I'll go to a New York to my grandmother. I have to go there for while because what happened here there's too much for me.

I'll just have to clear my head and because I haven't seen my grandma in a long time. And I'll know she will be happy when she'll see me.

I walk in to my old house and looked around. It's still look same when I was here in last time. I start walk upstairs as I look around and saw there was still the family photos on the wall.

I opened door of my bedroom and walked in. I looked around as something cat my eye. On the ground laying little paper so I kneeled down to it, see what it was.

I opened it and my eyes widen. It was my mother written it. I don't get it why what was it doing in my room.

My dear Vallie

I know it must be weird to you why what it doing in your room, but trust me, that's your sign.

You have to be careful because dangerous is coming for you. You have to hide.

I frowned when I was reading it but it doesn't stop me to continue reading.

You don't know how I'm missing you. But I know I have my greatest daughter ever. I just want to you know that I'm so so proud of you how you so strong for me but mostly for you.

You're smart you figure this out. I know you get this. I know you will.

I love you so so much Honey.

With love your mom.

The tears run down to my face as I'm done this read. I miss her so much. But I have to get together. I have to by stronger for my mom.

I eioed my tears then packed some stuff what I have in my cabinet. But before I can leave I have to say good by to Scott and Stiles.


I stood in front McCall's house as I do one step towards door and knock. I'll didn't have wait because someone opened quickly. It was Mellisa. "Hi Melissa." I smiled awkwardly. "Ca-can I talk to with Scott."

She looked at me then nodded. "Sure honey." I can feel one tears was fighting to ge out of my eye when I heard the word honey. That remember me that word which was on the paper who wrote my mom.

She walked away as I heard her suout at Scott then was silence but I could hear footsteps downstairs.

I saw Scott middle of the door.

"Hi Val, what are you doing?" Scott asked in worriedly.

"Um, I just - I just want to say goodbye." I looked at him in sad face.

"W-what? What do you mean say ti goodbye." He asked.

"I'll go to New York to my grandma. I'll have to- to clear my head in there. Um it's- it's just ti much for me what happned."  I could tell I was crying.

But Scott didn't replied, just give me tight hug. I was crying in his arms.

After a few seconds I pulled from our embrace and looked at my phone. My eyes widen. I'll have only 30 minutes to get to airport. "Scott, I have go. B-but I-I can't make it for Stiles anymore. Beacuse my airplane fly away. Just promise me somehting."

"Sure, anything for you." He said.

I little smiled. "Promise me you'll give hug Stiles from me and said that I'm sorry I couldn't make it to say goodbye to him." I said in sadly voice.

"Of course."

I give him last hug then start to walk towards my car. I looked at him one more time then start to my car.

This will be interesting......

Teen wolf~Stiles Stilinski Where stories live. Discover now