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"What are we doing at hospital again?" Valeria asked as they walked in the building through the gate, but neither one of them answered. She looks up as Scott got into in one of the doors.

"Good luck, I guess." Stiles said as he walks down to front desk and run into Lydia. "Hey, Lydia. You probably don't remember me. Um, I sit behind you in Biology. Uh, anyway as I always thought that we just had this kind conversation. Unspoken, of course." Said Stiles.

Valeria couldn't listened that conversation so she walks to morgue where Scott was. She walks in. She see as Scott pulls out the slab, as he get the scent quickly closed the door. Scott notice her and grabs her arms and walks out of the morgue. "The scent was the same." Scott said as he still held Valeria's arm. "You sure?" Stiles asked. "Yes."

"So did he burry the other half of the body on his property?" Stiles asked. "Which means we have proof that he killed the girl." Scott answered to question. "I say we use it." Stiles said before walking towards a door.

"How?" Scott asked as him and Valeria followed Stiles.

"Tell me something first." Question Stiles, looking at Valeria then Scott. "Are you doing this because you want to stop Derek or becuase you want to play in a game and he said you couldn't?" Stiles asked to Scott.

"There was bit marks on the legs. Bite legs." Scott said as Valeria looking at Scott. "Then we're gonna a need a shovel."


The three of them arrived at Derek's house. They get out Stiles' car and Scott start feel something. "Wait, something's different."

"Different how?" Stiles asked as him and Scott start digging into the ground. Minutes later they have half a hole. Valeria's phone buzzed and see it was her grandma. She look confused at her phone. She went a little further away from them and picked up the phone.

Valeria "Hey grandma. Something happened?"
Grandma "Hi sweetie. I just want to tell you I'm came here."
Valeria "What you mean like here? Wait are-are you really here?" She gasped.
Grandma "Yeah I'm here sweetie. Where are I want you see you but you weren't home."
Valeria she sighs. "Grandma I  haven't been home in a long time. Me and my dad had fight."
Grandma "What happened sweetie?"
Valeria "Grandma I'll tell you when we'll be together, okay?"
Grandma "Okay sweetie. Tonight come to Coffee. I'll be waiting there for you."
Valeria "Okay grandma I'll be there."
Grandma "I love you sweetie pie. And if I see your dad I'll kill him."
Valeria She laughs "It's okay grandma i love you too."

She hungs up. "Hurry!" Scott shouted. She see Stiles and Scott start using their hands to continue digging the dirt.
"I'm trying!" Stiles shouted back. "Did he have to tie the thing in like 900 knots?"

"I'll do it." Scott said to Stiles. Valeria looking around the woods, seeing if Derek was coming. She sniffed his scent but she didn't feel him. She cleared her throat before looking back at the hole, see Stiles and Scott jumping out of it.

"What?" Exclaimed Valeria. "What is it?" But nobody answered. She look inside, noticing there was the head of black wolf covered with a dusty blank, the smell that came from it made dizzy. Her behaviour noticing Stiles. "Valeria, are you okay?" As he asked her she quickly took step back.

Teen wolf~Stiles Stilinski Where stories live. Discover now