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Valeria laying on the table at animal clinic. She was still unconscious. Scott and Lydia waiting for Deaton as Lydia holding girl hand.

"What happened?" They turned and see Deaton.

"We -" Lydia start to say but Scott cut her off. "We don't know actually."

"I was actually at home and someone knock at my door and when I opened I see her totally pale. She said everything is hurt. Then she passed out in my arms and here we are." Lydia added.

"So she didn't tell you where she was or what happened to her?" Deaton asked and Lydia shake her head. Then Deaton nodded and walk towards Valeria. He looks closer and he see something. "When she was with you she has something like mars in her neck?" Turned to Lydia.

"I didn't notice if she have this on her neck but probably not."
Lydia said as she looked at the girl.

"I might know what happened to her or what she is." Deaton said making two teenagers looking at him with widen eyes.


"When she was missing she must have been hurt by someone. And it hurts her a lot." Deaton explained them.

"But what she is? Isn't she's like werewolf?" Lydia asked.

Deaton shake head. "I strongly doubt that. She's must be something else."

"But what?" Scott asked.

"I don't how it's called but she can absorb powers from others, usually temporarily and the victims naturally regain their lost power. But some users may be able to absorb powers pernamently. But I'm worried if it something else." Deaton said worriedly.

"What do you mean if it's something else?" Lydia asked.

"I don't know but if I'll know I tell you." They nodded.

Then they heard someone rushed towards them.

"I'm here! What happened? Where is she? Is she okay?" It was Stiles. 

"She's fine but unconscious." Lydia said.

"But something happening to her." Scott said make Stiles looked at him.

"What do you mean something happening to her?" He raised eyebrows.

"Stiles, when she was missing she's been hurting like a lot and that makes something happened in her. I still don't know how it calls but she's something." Deaton explained him.

"It somehting bad that it could kill her?" Stiles asked as he looked at the girl's body.

"I could be lying but so far it's okay but what's next is just a question." Deaton said.

Stiles sighed. "When she'll wake up?"

"She'll wake up soon." Deaton said.


It was few hour about Valeria was still out. Deaton still looking after her. Scott, Lydia and Stiles have to go to school on next day.

Deaton walked towards Valeria where she was laying. "Come on, Valeria, you have to wake up." He said as he put wet towel on her head. Then was the moment Valeria opened her eyes.


I slowly opened my eyes. I looked around and saw I was laying on the table at animal clinic and next to me stand Dr. Deaton.

"Welcome back, Valeria." Deaton said to me.

"What happened?" I asked as I notice my voice was sore. And everything hurts me but not like before. It was a lot better.

Teen wolf~Stiles Stilinski Where stories live. Discover now