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"He's in there i can feel it." Valeria said to Stiles as they arrived to the boy's locker room. Valeria met stiles in the woods but with her supernatural abilities they brought her here from scott here. "He came to the game after all."

"Hope he's didn't kill anyone." Said stiles as valeria looked at him. "Okay, I gotta go good luck with the game I guess." She give him sweet kiss on his check and go to the bleachers. Stiles remained frozen for a moment. Then he smile and went to the field.


Valeria sit on the bleachers. She feel something was going to happened she tried to ignore it. Everyone was cheering as the team assembled the field, Valeria just looked.

As Valeria looked around see Melissa. "Hi Melissa come on sit next to me. I will be glad to have a company." Melissa smiled at the girl and sat next to her. Valeria notice the Sheriff talking to Stiles he approached the bleachers. Melissa waved her arms  indicated to go to her. Sheriff went to them and sat next Melissa.

The game started, Valeria notice nobody would pass the ball to Scott, and that angry her. She stand up and went don't to field to coach. "Um Hey, coach! Why nobody pass ball to Scott, hm?" Coach just looked at her. "I don't kn—" couch didn't finish sentence because they see as Scott jumped over a rival's shoulder to catch the ball mid-air before running towards the goal, easilly evading all the other team's defenses before scoring, making everyone go wild.

"Yes!" She looks around and see Stiles cheering, makes her smile. "To McCall!" Coach yelled. "Pass to McCall! To McCall!"

"Yeah pass to McCall your bitch!" Valeria yelled.

They saw as they start again, one of players of the opposite team passing the ball to Scott, making werewolf run again towards the goal. Valeria at Stiles who looking at her and she grabs her back to grab her crossbow but when she oppened she didn't see her crossbow. "Where the hell is it?" She asked to herself. She start looking around if did not fall somewhere. But she didn't find it. "Shit." She start panicked.

"What happened?" Someone's interrupted her thoughts. She look up and see Stiles. "I fucking don't know where the hell is my crossbow. I have it in my bag and now it gone." She start bitting her nails but Stiles grabs her hand. "We'll find it but now we have to focused on Scott." She nodded as everyone continue cheering. 

Then Valeria notice Scott how he is trying to catch his breath but failing at it. "Oh, god." She start panicked. "What's up?" Stiles asked her as he steps closer to her. "I don't like this if I have my crossbow it would be easier." She sighs. "Don't worry it'll be okay. One more goal and we win!"

"Yeah but what will happened in moment? What if he turns into a werewolf." Said Stiles looking to Valeria's eyes. She sighs and look towards to field.

The game started again. Scott receiving the ball and running towards the goal, finding himself surrounded by three members of the opposite team. She start panicked. A few  seconds passed before he moved to stick behind, gain impulsive and shoot  the ball towards the net, scoring again so that means they win.

Everyone cheering and Stiles wrap his arms around Valeria's waist and lift her up, surprising Valeria who let out of a shriek. "OH MY GOD! WE DID IT! WE DID IT!" She laughs happily. Stiles put her down laughs with her. He take her hand. "Let's go make sure he's okay." She look down at then hand as they have intertwined fingers together. But she look up smiled then nodded.

But when they start walking towards locker room Stiles see his dad so he stopped Valeria makes her to stop walking. But they still holding hands. "Dad what's wrong?"


"We have to go to—"

Stiles interrupted her as thy walked inside the locker room, finding Allison and Scott making out in the showers. The boy quickly place his hand on Allison's mouth as they stood behind the lockers, notice someone glancing towards them.

They heard as Allison giggle before she started talk. "I gotta get back to my dad."

They both watched as she kissed him goodbye before leaving, noticing the two glancing at her. She obviously chuckled. "Stiles, Vale."

"Hey." Stiles said awkwardly as Allison left. Scott's smiled went wider adn that's makes Valeria smile too. "I kissed her."

"We saw." Replied Stiles. "She kissed me." He said even bigger smile. "We saw that too." Stiles replied again. Valeria chuckled. "It's pretty good, huh?"

Scott sighed before beggining to stammer. "I-I don't know how, but I controlled it. I pulled it back." 

"That's good because Valeria start panicked when she lose her crossbow —"

"Wait what? What do you mean she lose her crossbow?" Scott asked confused. "Um I don't know I have it in my bag then—" she stopped talking when she recognised something.

"What? What you figured out Val?" Stiles asked as he go to closer her. "Um I never mind I tell later.... So the medical examiner looked at the other half of body we found." She quickly she changed the subject.

"And?" Asked Scott. "I'll tell you simple." She sighs. "Medical examiner determined killer of the girl to be animal, not human. Derek is human, not animal. Derek not killer. Derek let out of the jail."

"Are you kidding?!" Exclaimed Scott and both shook their heads. "Oh and that's not everything" Stiles said as Scott scoffed before Stiles continuing. "My dad ID'd the dead girl, both halves. Her name was Laura Hale."

Scott looked at them with wide eyes. "Hale?"

"Yeah so that means it was Derek's sister." Scott still looked at them in shock.

"Okay guys I really have to go I'll text you later." She looks at Stiles and walk away from them. Scott just look at Stiles with weird look. "Oh now she's texting you?"

"Yeah we're friends now and she's your protector." He smiled.


Valeria go to her house. Where she and his dad live. She haven't been in there like four weeks so like one month. She oppened door and walk in. She saw on the table her crossbows. Her eyes widen. "I fucking know it." She told to herself. she went to the table to take her crossbow. But when she had her crossbow in her hand she heard footsteps behind her. She turn around and saw her dad.

"Oh, you really came how sweet." He told her with his sarcastic smile. "Why you take my crossbow?" She ignored his comment.
"I have to do that because you didn't listened to me." He walks to her. But she take steps back. "But dad it was my decision not your."

"But what I'll say you'll have to do that because I'm your dad." He go little closer her. "Dad stop acting like that." She look at him with weird look. "I'm not acting its my normal behaviour." He go still closer to her. But she notice something in his hands before he notice her staring he covered it behind him. "Dad  what's in your hands?" But he didn't listened to her he just take step closer to her. Then he was too close to her. He was ready to attack but she acted quickly then him so she punched him in the nose. He falls on the ground touching his nose. He saw blood on his hand.

He looked at her shock then he start to be angry. "What did you do, huh?" He coughed. But she arched him again not to let him do anything to her. Yeah he's her dad but he scares her. But he quickly stand up and grabs his knife at stab her to her thigh before she could react. She yelled of the pain as she falls on the ground. He walks towards her ready do something but she quickly take out the knife of her tigh yelled of the pain and stabs him to his chest. He gasped and falls to the ground dead.

She just killed her dad. She looked at her dad's dead body. Her tears falling on her cheeks. She let out sob but then hissed of pain. Her thigh was bleeding. Like a lot. She trying stand up and she did it but when she did one step she falls in the ground. She start to lose her conscious. Her hazel eyes closed as she laid on the ground motionless.

Teen wolf~Stiles Stilinski Where stories live. Discover now