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Y/n's Pov

I'm 25 years old, I'm working with my father, I had to follow his footsteps and become part of his company. Now I'm the CEO alongside my father. I respect and follow my parents completely, I love them a lot and I'll do anything for them.

That means agreeing for an arranged marriage with another rich family who lives in LA . She'll end up moving to Singapore with me I guess?, apparently their daughter wants a career in Singapore and wants to continue studying here. Their father and my father had agreed that if we both got married, she'd be able to study and both of them can connect their company's. Meaning more money.

"Wait your marrying a girl named Lily?" Lia says to me confused as hell, she's laying on my  bed on her stomach, her feet in the air like she owns my house, she practically lives here. She's my best friend.

"Yeah I guess, I might fall in love with her, I saw pictures, she's a pretty girl" I respond as I show her pictures.

"Eh I don't know, she looks like she's gonna kill me in my sleep to be fucking honest" Lia says
through a laugh

I roll my eyes and flip her off with my middle finger.

"Whatever just because your girlfriend looks like a butterfly doesn't give you the right to insult any woman that isn't her" I added

Lia laughs at me and rolls over on the bed as she sits up, I'm sitting opposite her now with our legs crossed.

"I hope so Y/n, I hope you know what your doing because marriage isn't a joke this shit is for life, like I love Ken so much I know 100% I wanna marry her" Lia says to me as she rambles on I just nod my head, she makes a good point.

"This bitch is gonna wake up with you, give you children, you take care of her and she takes care of you, like Y/n, you need to ensure she's the one" she says to me whilst sighing

I pout in confusion.

"It's not me, it's my parents, if they approve then I don't have a say in this do i?" I say as I shrug

"Your parents don't hate you y/n, they love you, they just don't know that they're too controlling, I'm sure if you told your mom she would understand" Lia says

Hell no! am I gonna go to my parents and tell them they're too controlling, they've given me an amazing life growing up, they've provided food for me, they've cared for me and I cannot even deny that, they have done way too much for me and if I decline this one thing that my parents really want it would make me a shit fucking daughter, I refuse to be a shit daughter.

"Not happen Chu" I say as I roll my eyes.


Y/n's Pov

So the plan is I go to Los Angeles, I stay there for 2 months & get to know Lily, my parents will stay with us because they want to discuss business with the family and do some sort of arrangement, then a few months later I come back & marry the girl and take her back to Singapore.

Sounds about simple.

The things I do for my family is brilliant right.

My family have never asked me to do major things like this before so I would never refuse no matter how much the idea freaks me out. What about the other girls I have flings with. Oh lord. Time to cut them off. This will take a long time..


So that week we flew over to Los Angeles, we were greeted with cars and security as we drove to the mansion.

Lily's father Greg has two more daughters Hanna and Jessi. I met them all and they all scare me but that's fine.

We sit at the big dining table and Lily throws
me a sex eyes every few seconds and I try to
avoid it, isn't she rich? What the fuck does she
really want because she's freaking me out.

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