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Y/n’s Pov

“And as soon as we woke up she threw up again” I said explaining to Lia and Ken whilst we went out shopping.

I didn’t want Billie to leave the house, we fly out in 3 days, I need to buy Billie’s outfits, I’m sure I know her well enough to pick clothing she’s comfortable with.

Some clothing she should be comfortable for just my eyes you get me?

So that’s what I did, Zoe came to see Billie whilst I went shopping with Lia and Ken.

“Sounds like she might have food poisoning” Lia responds

“Or maybe she isn’t used to rich people food” Ken adds

“We ate McDonald’s for dinner Ken” I complained because I ordered McDonald’s for us and the kids to eat for dinner because Bil and I was too azy to cook.

“Well, maybe you smell, try taking a shower” Lia adds which results into me punching her arm

“Shut up chu, I think I need to take her to the doctors” I sigh, my poor baby is feeling sick and she’s lost her appetite for food and it’s making me worried.

“I wonder what it could be” Ken adds

“Imagine she’s pregnant” Lia says out of the blue resulting in us freezing and looking at eachother. Then erupting into laughter.

“Your funny chu” I say laughing

“Okay seriously we take Bil to the doctors tonight, call and book an appt and Zoe can have the kids” Lia says

“The village is safe, Lucas is old enough to take care of them” I say whilst throwing some cute undies in the basket, wow, Billies ass will look amazing in these.

“Does Billie wear thongs” Ken asks me

“No she tried it once, said it was like having a constant wedgie” I add, wow I’m missing her a lot today.

After shopping we go home and I see Billie’s just come out of the shower.

“Hey babe” I say walking up to her and kissing her lips

She smiles, the cute gummy one she does and wraps her arms around me, I lift her up lightly and throw us into the bed making her erupt into giggles.

“God I missed you, it felt like you were gone forever” she whispered

Lifting my face up I kiss her lips and then pepper kisses all over her face

“I need to show you what I bought for your sexy ass” I say gripping her ass

“Let me get changed first” she says whilst getting up and removing the towel, once she’s changed she walks up to me and sits on my lap, I pull the big bag and show her one by one.


It’s safe to say Billie liked all the outfits.”How can I help you Miss O’Connell?”

“Well I’ve been vomiting a lot, just like certain smells and foods just make me throw up a lot, I just wanna know why because it wasn’t like this before” Billie says

“Right well Billie if you don’t mindI need to ask you some personal questions, I think everyone should leave this room” the man says “Bummer’ Lia complains and walks out with Ken but Bil grips my arm

“She can stay she’s my girlfriend” Billie says, her hands intertwine with mine, Her nervousness makes me adore her so much.

“It’s okay baby” I whisper, she smiles back at me and her eyes turn all mushy when they look at me, gosh I want her in bed right now, I don’t think I can ever not wanna have Billie in bed kissing me none stop whilst I make love to her.

“Are you sexually active Miss O’Connell”

Ofcourse she is you fool, you see how fuckable my girlfriend looks, it’s why you can’t keep your eyes off her and you think I haven’t had her?

“Yes” Billie quietly responds, her shyness is so fucking cute and her eyes drop to our intertwined hands and I notice her cheeks turning red and I bite my lip from how sexy she looks right now.

“Well my theory is that your pregnant, but I’m gonna get that tested right now for you” he says with a smile.

Fuck, didn’t I just laugh at the thought in the mall and now I actually might have gotten her pregnant. God dammit, I didn’t want a child right now cos fuck I wanted to spend time with my girlfriend and show her around the world. I guess we gotta wait until our child is old.

I AM NOT going to treat my kids like Lily’s father treats his. I’m going to love them like I love Kenzie, Lucas, Rue and Sam. 100%.
But no cockblocking ofcourse.

“Are you sure Doctor?” Billie whispers

“I mean your showing all symptoms of pregnancy so it would make sense right” he says with a smile.

Billie chuckles, and I can’t help but smile, this might not be so bad, my girlfriend, the love of my life is having my baby. My Billie is having my baby.

I request for a female doctor to scan Billie because I just don’t trust any other guy to touch my girl. Once the female doctor comes I open the door slightly to see Lia and Ken standing.

Whispering as loudly as possible

“GUYS SHE MIGHT BE PREGNANT” I say to them resulting into them fake fainting. Assholes

“You the dumbest mother fucker in the world your gonna be a parent” Lia says She’s more dumb than I am for fucks sake, pissoff I passed all my exams. The only dumb thing I do is laugh at her stupid fucking jokes.

“knock it off I don’t want Billie to bescared of me being a parent” I growl

“Yes mummy” Lia adds with a laugh Turning back and shutting the door

“Congratulation Ms Curtisn & Ms O’Connell your both about to be parents, in 2 months you’ll be able to find out the gender”

My eyes widen and Billie looks at me with shock, I know she’s happy but she doesn’t want me to panic so I smile at her to let her know I’m happy about this too.

Bending over I kiss her lips “Abortions happen in the ward next door if you guys you know” he says “Oh hell no” Billie says resulting into me laughing, I help her up and kiss her Driving home I pick Billie up and twirl her around in happiness.



The kids run down screaming and laughing in excitement.

“Can we name him Lucas junior ?”

“No call him Sammy”

“Can we name her Elsa?” Kenzie says What the fuck is wrong with this kid. “I’ll think about it” Billie says with a smile.



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Stay safe and take care folks


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