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Billie’s Pov

“Happy BIRTHDAY TO BILLIE HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUU” everyone sang on top of their lungs, it’s my birthday and I never celebrate but Y/n made so much effort today and it made me feel so special.

Ken helped me get dressed and wear makeup, it’s actually my first time wearing makeup and to be honest I don’t like it but Y/n couldn’t get her eyes off me today with my sudden transformation, in fact I had never received so much compliments.

Blowing out my candles I was told to make a wish, so I did, I wished for a good future for Lucas, Rue, Sam and Kenzie. I really hope they get that, forget me, I didn’t get someone like Y/n coming to save me when I was their age, I want them to grow and be able to support themselves and live comfortably.

Smiling I make a wish and then blow out the candles, Lia cuts the cake and Zoe helps her hand it out, I take a pass on my cake and walk to the window which shows my reflection, sighing I run my hands through my hair.

I don’t look like Billie and I don’t look like the old me. I look well off to be honest, I look like I have so much money, I look like a boss ass bitch. I should embrace it, I kinda look good, not to be vain or anything.

“What’s on your mind?” I hear Y/n whisper as she sits opposite me, watching me in amusement.

“Nothing, I just, I don’t feel comfortable in this dress I’m so sorry Y/n, it just dressing like this or wearing all this makeup, it isn’t me” I sigh finally telling her, I can’t be the sexy girl she deserves or the sexy girl who would dress up for her because dressing up like this is out of my comfort zone, the thought of anyone looking at my scabbed legs gives me major anxiety.

“Why are you apologising? Do you think I fell in love with you because of the way you look and for the record you are the prettiest woman I have laid eyes on, you could wear a fucking bin on your body and I’d still find you beautiful so shut up and let’s rip this fucking dress that’s causing my girlfriend grief and let’s make babies” my heart starts racing, I feel my cheeks heat up with her confession and I look down in embarrassment, but her fingers tilt my chin up.

“Don’t ever apologise for that, feel my heart” she pulls my hand and places it on her chest right were her heart is, my eyes bore into hers and she looks at me with so much adoration, it makes me want to tear up with happiness as I feel her heart racing.

Unable to control myself I smile and walk closer to her, our foreheads touch against eachother lightly

“And then feel this” she whispers as she takes my hand and places it hard cock, I can’t help but gasp, her lipscurve into a smile.

“Not because of how your dressed now, Im imagining you, naked, in the sauna, sweat dripping down your body, your lips swollen and naturally red from me kissing you none stop and your cheeks naturally blush when I tell you how beautiful you are, that’s my Billie, not this” Y/n says as she holds my waist and whispers to me, not knowing how to take Y/n’s words in, I feel soaked in my core, I wanna ditch this party and just run home and be hers, in her arms.

I need her more than I need air, my love for Y/n has gone beyond normal. I’ve never loved this insanely before.

“I wanna go home” I whine as I pull
Her shirt tie and her body falls into me, her arms wrap around me tightly as I pull her into a hug, a tight one “You wanna ditch a birthday party Zoe set up for you?” Y/n laughs silently in my ear, yes the fuck, I wanna go home and have you whisper in my ear like this, it’s not easy when I’m so fucking horny and desperate for her, I’ve lost my mind.

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