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Billie’s Pov

~10 months later~

“And that’s the baby” Y/n said half asleep, to be honest I thought my baby would come out to be a very calm baby but honestly the child is crazy. Ofcourse I love Andjea Curtis with all my heart. It’s just that she really is vocal and when I mean vocal she loves to scream the house down.

If it wasn’t my child I would be terrified of her but honestly it’s kinda cute on her, she’s just a baby and she makes so much sounds, even if she isn’t crying she’s just making sounds.

I can’t believe I had a daughter with Y/n, the thought honestly shocks me.

“Are you gonna get Andjea or?” I sigh out, honestly she has Y/n and I exhausted, Y/n took time off work to help me with her because she is a handful. “I’ll get her” Y/n says whilst trying to get up.

You know what once Jea is older we will never get this moment again, the thought makes me smile, my children won’t have to suffer like I did, they’ll be stable, they’ll have two parents who love them unconditionally and they’ll have Lucas, Kenzie, Rue and Sam. Even better they’ll have Lia and Ken by their sides.

“I wanna get her actually don’t worry” I say chuckling

Getting up I walk to Andjea’s cot and carry her as I rock her back and forth I hum to her, usually it helps her so here I am at 3 in the morning calming Andjea down.

I feel a presence behind me and it’s Y/n, she wraps her arms around me and rests her chin on my shoulder. The little action makes my heart race, a smile forms on my lips as I look at Y/n.

“Our Andjea’s so pretty just like her mom” Y/n whispers as she admires Andjea, I can’t help but chuckle, she does look like me but she has Y/n’s smile and that’s my favourite feature on her.

“It’s 3 am her mom looks like shit right now” I respond back

”You look perfect, you always do, motherhood has never looked so perfect” Y/n smiles, I really admire it when Y/n tells me I’m a good mom, maybe it’s because I’ve been taking care of the children all my life and now I have my own, the baby is made of Y/n and I.

The fact that this baby belongs to us two makes me so emotional knowing that she will always be part me and part Y/n. My life has improved for the better, it was like God heard me crying every night and sent me a miracle.

Y/n and Andjea Curtis.

My miracles sent from god, the reason why I fall asleep with a smile on my face, I appreciate the 3am wakings from Andjea because she’s become a reason why my life has become worth living.

Y/n entered my life and didn’t leave, we were tested with all this Greg bullshit but we fucking smashed it.

She came from another country and it’s crazy to know that she wasn’t born in LA and I’d never have a single clue that the love of my life would be born in Singapore. It’s crazy knowing she just came to visit the village by force and now she’s the love of my life.

Laying Andjea back down I turn to Y/n and she cups my face lovingly and then moves in and places a sweet passionate kiss, I can feel her smile in this kiss and I mirror hers.

Thank you to the world for giving me such a blessing. I will never take Y/n for granted, she’s entered my life as an angel and has saved me from so much hardship.

“I don’t feel sleepy anymore” I whisper/complain

“Baby darling why are you so worried?” She grabs my hand and pulls her crotch.

“You’ll be tired after this” she smirks as she picks me up and lightly throws me on the bed, I try hard to keep my laugh silent because we don’t want Andjea to wake up again, god that girl can cry loud as fuck.


The next morning I’m up first as always, I place a sleepy Andjea next to Y/n and then I go to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

I don’t need to wake up early it’s just that I don’t want the other kids to go to school without food so that’s why I made food for them.

After sending the children off to school, Y/n wakes up with Andjea in her arms, placing Andjea in her baby seat I kiss Y/n and then begin feeding her whilst Y/n eats what I prepared for her.

“Babe I gotta go Singapore today” Y/n says

“For business?” I respond back, I hate when Y/n goes away but I understand, I just hate when it’s so last minute, I don’t get time to embrace her. Gosh I hope she doesn’t think I’m so clingy.

“Yes for business, I’ll be back soon though” she smiles as she leans over and kisses me

“Y/n how many times have I told you, if you can’t do Andjea’s diaper don’t do it ” I exclaim, that’s not even a diaper, Y/n wrapped a towel around her, a fucking towel? Not just a towel a freaking louis vuitton towel.

I drop my face into my hands

“Hey, that’s an expensive towel, all the best for my baby” Y/n responds

“Oh for god sake com on Jea, let’s get a diaper on you… You’re mama is something else” I say whilst I carry Andjea out of her baby seat and lay her on the carpet.

Y/n begins packing for Singapore, I really don’t want her to go, I hate sleeping without her, I haven’t done it since I’ve come back from the hospital and I don’t want to experience it.



last 2 chapters:((

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