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Billie’s Pov

I don’t know if I’m nervous about flying for the first time but I’ve been puking all morning and Y/n’s been by my side.

“Babe flying isn’t that bad I promise, god I don’t know what to do, shall we cancel the trip” Y/n says to try and calm me down as she holds my hair back.

“No babe, I really wanna go! I promise” I say finally gaining my
Senses. She sighs and kisses my forehead.

“Okay we’re going by private jet and back now, because I don’t want you to be uncomfortable, you can rest on the plane and then on the island” Y/n says as she looks at me worriedly
Smiling I nod, because I know she’s
Becoming stressed.

“Okay let’s go shopping now” I say Finally feeling a bit better

“No your staying home, your not well Bil” Y/n carries me to the bed and places me in and makes me drink water.

“I have nothing left inside me I can’t throw up anymore than I have Y/n, plus I feel better I just needed to get that out of me” I respond because I am so excited to be spending time with Y/n alone, and leave the country and have loads of sex without being worried about a child interrupting us.

“I don’t know babe I just I’m not sure we should go to Singapore when your this sick” Y/n says which makes me annoyed

“I said I’m fine, now let’s go” I cross my arms in stubbornness but she giggles and kisses my cheek gently
Yeah I feel way better now.

I get up to wash my face and clean up then get ready to leave, leaving the bathroom I see Y/n already dressed, she’s sitting on the bed waiting for me. I’m just wrapped in a towel.

She looks at me like I’m the most precious thing in this world, I hope it stays like this forever because there is no way I could handle her being someone else’s. I even get paranoid when Lily speaks to Y/n, I know their friends now and Lily is no harm but Y/n is mine and I try my best not to show my jealousy.

“Come on sexy you’ve taken 3 hours to get ready” Y/n groans “I just showered unless you want
Your girlfriend to smell like vomit in
Public” I respond back rolling my eyes Which causes her to shrug

“I don’t mind, it will keep the men away from you” Y/n replies which makes me laugh, running to her, her arms are already waiting for me openly, I run and she falls back on the bed, her arms wrap around me, then she flips us over, her mouth finds my lips as she passionately kisses me, gosh I just cleaned myself and I’m wet already for her.

Just a touch from Y/n and she has this insane impact on me, I can’t help pull her in further as my legs wrap around her, I know Y/n wants this too because I can feel her hardened cock against my thigh, her bulge grinds against my clothed but wet centre causing us both to groan in pleasure.

“Fuck shopping we can go tomorrow” Y/n growls as she pulls my legs closer to her bulge.

“Lia and Ken are ready, how can
We just fuck shopping” I respond
Back, it’s difficult to speak when she’sThis sexy and this hard against me.

“Let me call them” Y/n responds, as she tries to get up to get her phone but I pull it out.

“You know we have Singapore to do this, we have all the time to do this, we’re not ditching shopping for sex” I complain because I know Y/n and she actually would cancel shopping plans.

“Yeah but I want you now” Y/n groans like a child, pulling her zip down and rubbing her bulge, she pulls her cock out and begins jerking herself off, her eyes look directly at mine telling me she wants this now.

I can’t resist her as much as I try.

“Fuck, call them and tell them to delay the plans we will be an hour late” I sigh, Y/n’s lips curve into the happiest smile, she was just so sexy a second ago now she looks like a child who just got their favourite candy. As Y/n calls them, I decide to pull her trousers

“No Lia I am certain, it isn’t me
who’s sick, it’s Billie” Y/n says

Which makes me laugh, I pepper kisses around her shaft as I play with her balls, my eyes look directly into hers and I know she’s trying so hard to hang up this call and just take me but knowing Lia, she probably knows what’s going on and what’s to annoy Y/n.

“Fuck sake Lia, I’m hanging up, see you in an hour” Y/n groans before she throws the phone on the bed and loops her fingers through my hair, as her hips start thrusting in my mouth.

My fingers travel down to play with myself, but Y/n pulls my hand out and pushes me back on the bed, she pulls the towel off before she devours my pussy. Her mouth makes out with my pussy lips as if she’s kissing my lips.

She’s never been this intense before, I know my mouth is bleeding with how hard I’m biting it, but I can’t help it, my fingers aggressively tug on her hair as she fucks me with her tongue.

“My Baby, always taste so fucking good” she groans out as she stands up to kiss my mouth, she pushes her cock into me, my teeth sink into her shoulder and my fingers dig into her back skin as I try to keep quiet from how good this feels.

Flipping me over she takes me from behind, her tongue traces over my shoulders as she licks into the skin and then bites onto it, sucking onto it, she creates new marks on my body.

“I can’t get enough of you Baby” Y/n growls into my ear as she holds me tight

“I’m yours forever” I respond back as we both cum hard, I feel Y/n shooting spurts of cum into my vagina, it feels fucking amazing with both of our juices mixing together.

“That sure wasn’t an hour” Y/n says

As we both lay in the bed out of breath.

“I’ve become really lazy recently I
Need time to recover” I chuckle as I
Wrap my arms around her.

She hugs me back but I groan in annoyance “Take your clothes off” I say as I tug her shirt

”It only comes off with your hands” she responds, lazily I unbutton her shirt so I can feel her naked chest against mine, kissing her collarbone, lightly, I close my eyes and just inhale her scent.

“I feel to lazy to go out, I wanna lay like this forever” Y/n complains

“Me too” I sigh, she pulls me into her arms as she peppers kisses all over my face.

“Shopping has to happen tomorrow, I don’t care” she sighs

Fine by me, I would have been annoyed because I don’t like cancelling on people but I really have zero energy and I’ve become even lazier and more tired recently.

And I’ve gained a lot of weight recently too which isn’t a bad thing considering how anorexic I was before but now I know I’m becoming lazy and it shouldn’t be a habit.

“There just cancelled them” Y/n says as she places her phone down.

“Let’s watch a movie” I respond
Cuddling into her arms we begin re watching euphoria as it recently became my favourite show now.


5 more chapters left! I'mma miss writing  this book but I've started working on another new book that I'll publish after I end this. So stay tuned folks.

I also needs some names for the new book so I would really appreciate if you  guys are willing to recommend some.

Comment here!⬇️

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Stay safe and take care folks


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