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Y/n’s Pov

Mum: Come on let’s fly to Singapore, take Lily with us or something, we cant stay in this country I am losing my mind, your father and I are worried sick about you.

Y/n: It’s all good mum. Make sure you both fly back to Singapore, I need to make sure Billie gets the justice she deserves

Mum: Y/n, get yourself out of trouble you will harm those kids

Y/n: you and dad got me into this trouble, I’m going to end this shit, bye now mum, thanks for supporting me with Billie, but right now I really can’t be bothered to argue.

Mum: I love you and I’m so sorry

Y/n: Sorry won’t bring her back, please go to Singapore and don’t make me feel stressed out, make sure you and dad are guarded with security because I’m going to kill this man

Mum: Y/n you cant do that

Y/n; go back to Singapore  mum. Don’t make this difficult for me.

We got all our builders, all of our men here that flew from Singapore, we are rebuilding the houses today in the name of Billie.

We planted water wells in every corner and named them after her, so anyone can just drink water here.

My mood has been a lot better these past few months, I miss her like crazy but knowing that I’m giving everyone here a better life style, a house with technology, I’m going to build a company here and teach everyone how to work and give them better salaries so they can survive.

If I have the money to do that then why fucking not.

Kenzie clings onto me a lot, she’s the youngest out of the four children and she needs that kind of love.

Carrying her on my back I walk around as well, shes become my actual child during these past two months.

All the men in the village are helping us change the village, it looks a lot more modern and cleaner.

Denzel and Finneas have become besties recently and it’s nice to see that, everyone’s working so hard, the market has been shut down and every villager who loves Billie are here helping us make this Village brighter.

After a long hard day, I’m sweating
Insanely, I’ve cut my foot and I have dirt all over me.

I put Kenzie in her room and ensure she’s actually sleeping and she doesn’t sleep sad. Then I shower in their new big and improved house, I put more effort and gave Billie a big room, she may not be here but she will always be here in my heart.

4 months is all it took for this village to become a sophisticated place, everyone works for my company and I pay everyone a fair amount of money, compared to what the market does for them, they’re lives have changed and

I’m all here for it.


Today I’ve had time to reflect, my heart misses her, I know Lily’s in love with me and she does everything because she loves me but I miss Billie, god do I miss her.

Sighing I look around, god do I miss her.

“I wish you were here Billie, resting in my arms, relaxing, I’d make sure you get the right amount of sleep so your legs arent tired like they always are” I smile

Closing my eyes, tears stream out of my face, I chuckle whilst wiping my tears.

“Sorry I don’t mean to cry it’s just, I fucking miss you, like crazy” I sigh.running my hands through my hair.


It’s been a year.

A whole fucking year and a few months but wow…

“Happy birthday Y/n” all the children run to me and the villagers as they hold a cake with candles.

“Hey I know you said you didn’t want any gifts this year but I think no actually I know your gonna love this one” Lily says with a smile

“Oh my god Lily please I really don’t want a gift” I groan

“Why am I not good enough?” That fucking voice, that voice, it’s not, it can’t be.

Moving from behind Lily, it’s her, I froze I literally froze, my mind is playing games. This better not be a sick prank and it’s some look alike they found on EBay.

Then the sudden screams from the villagers confirm it was her, everyone runs in a massive group hug, in hysterical tears. I stood there frozen, this cant be real, there’s no way shes here.

That's when Lily snap her fingers Infront of my face.

Damn!I'm daydreaming Again.

"Y/n... Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry what was that again?"

"Here's my gift for you" she put a small box in my hands. I opened it and it turned out to be a bracelet. Not just a bracelet but the one Billie made.

"W-where did you get t-this?"

"I made that" a familiar voice said



whoop whoop! who's this new character?

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