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Billie's Pov

"Oh my god thank you thank you Billie" Kenzie says as she runs and wraps her arms around my neck leaving the fattest kiss on my cheek.

I think it's safe to say that the children all enjoyed their Christmas gifts.

I would of worked today but no customers would come because it's Christmas. I hear a knock at our door and I know who it is straight away, I was expecting it.

Opening the door I'm greeted with a precious Y/n who has a bag with her.

She pulls my face in her hand which squashes my cheeks together and pecks me hard which shocks me.

"Merry Christmas sexy" she whispers and then walks past me, my lips form into a smile, I feel my heart racing as I watch her hug the children before sitting down.

"Merry Christmas" I say shutting the door and finally gaining some sense. Her eyes look at me with lust and her lip is tucked into her teeth which makes me excited,

I haven't ever been a horny person but Y/n literally makes me hungry for her and that's how feel right now.

"Okay so I got you all gifts but you can't open them right now we are all going out first" Y/n says which surprises me.

"Going out? Where?" I ask her with curiosity, the children put there shoes on without question.

"We're having a Christmas Dinner, you can't say no I arranged this and it's gonna break my heart if you say no" she says as she walks towards me with a smirk

"You realise every restaurant will be closed its Christmas Day darling" I say as she stands infront of me.

Pulling my waist towards her she runs her hands on my ass before giving it a firm squeeze which makes me widen my eyes in surprise, I shouldn't be surprised it's Y/n.

"Darling, that you don't have to worry about, all you need to worry about is how weak your legs are gonna be tonight" she husks out quietly, the kids are occupied with finding theirs jackets that they aren't focused on us luckily.

"Really?" I bravely respond after recovering from her words which I know for sure has me wet as fuck.

"Really" she whispers

"What happens if Kenzie wants to sleep with me tonight?" I ask her

"Then I'm gonna take you to the car and I'm gonna take what's mine" Y/n responds before nibbling on my neck

Quiet moans escape my lips as Y/n licks my earlobe then sucks onto it.

"I could so skip dinner" she whispers

"So can I" I breathe out wanting Y/n to take me right now.

"Yeah well I can't so can we go?" Lucas randomly says which makes me break from Y/n and realise the kids are waiting.

"Um yeah" I respond walking to get my jacket, Y/n has a car parked outside our house, I don't leave the village usually so this is weird for me.

I make sure I take my gift for Y/n it's small but it's made with love so I hope she likes it.

Y/n drives us to a restaurant that is surprisingly open, or it was opened just for her either way it was nice to try rich people food.

After that Y/n takes us bowling, any excuse to touch me I knew Y/n took because her hands stayed around me most of the night but I haven't seen the kids this happy so am grateful.

Turning to Y/n's face peck her lips whilst she was mid conversation with Denzel, it totally caught her off guard but she giggled after because I knew it made her flustered. 


The whole night Y/n didn't let us go home
yet, she kept us out for hours and hours, until the kids fell asleep in the car. "Okay I think it's time to go home now Y/n" I whispered as the kids drifted to sleep in
Y/n's 7 seater car.

"I think so too, it's a shame I wanted them to see their gifts before they slept" "We'll wake them up when we get home" I tell her
Once were outside my house Y/n holds my wrist and pushes me lightly towards
the car and holds my wrist.

"Promise me you won't kill me" she whispers

"That's a hard promise to make I mean it sounds like you've done something you shouldn't of done" I respond

"I did something I should of done but Billie Eilish would say it's something I shouldn't of done but I did it anyways" Y/n responds causing me to chuckle, I wonder what she's talking about.

"Okay fine I promise I won't kill you"

"Okay good, let me put the kids in the house and when I'm done then I'll show you" she excitedly smiles.

"Um okay" I respond as I watch her take each sleeping child out of the car and then she walks out of my house and holds my hand

As we walk in I see four beds in the children's room, my heart races, they're such cute comfy beds and seeing them sleep with a blanket and being tucked in like that brings me to tears.

Children shouldn't sleep on rock hard floors.

Y/n kisses my forehead as I gasp at the beds and I hug her, not knowing how to respond, she picks me up and I begin to wrap my legs around her waist as I hug her tight..

I love this woman.

I continuously whisper thank you's in her ear.

"You can thank me on your bed" she whispers, oh my fucking god.

She walks me to my room and throws me on a double bed, it's fucking huge wow. Before I can even thank her Y/n's lips attack mine.

woop woop!:)))

A/N: 50 votes for the next chapter:)

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