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Billie's Pov

Did Y/n just kiss me or am I dreaming? For some reason it doesn't feel real, but everytime I look at her it confirms it's real, she looks at me like she doesn't know how I'll react so she tries to make me smile.

It's cute, I don't know how to react to be honest, I like Y/n and to be honest I really liked that kiss even if it was so short. I've never even kissed anyone before and gosh when her lips touched mine I melted, I'm usually good at covering my emotions but that shit was next level.

I avoid making eye contact with Y/n the whole day but I don't want to make her feel bad about it so I continue to try and talk to her normally, I feel like she feels guilty for it, she has this cute baby pout on her face, I try not to giggle at how she looks but I'm too nervous around Y/n now. I think it just confirmed 100% that I have feelings for her.

"Bil, do you have change, I have a note I can trade with you" Denzel shouts from his stall "Yeah I do" i shout back as I look at the note and then prepare change for him.

"Shall I give it to him?" Y/n says to me quietly from behind me

"Please" I say as I try to avoid looking at her, just as I was putting the change in her hand she uses her other hand to gently hold my wrist.

"Look at me" she says intently, her eyes staring at my face, i can feel them and I try to turn because a blush coats my cheek, I turn red as ever, she does this to me all the time and I hate it when she sees me so triggered.

"Billie look at me please" she whispers as she blocks me from moving any further.

She puts the change in a fist in her hand and puts both hands on the side of my body so she traps me.

"I can't" I whisper

Then Denzel runs towards us and decided to swap it himself, Y/n gives him the change whille he gives us a note and she still blocks me, my heart beat increases and my goosebumps rise on my arms causing me to slightly shiver.

"Are you okay?" She whispers close to my ear, my eyes shut in immediate reaction, I can't help. but sigh as her breath hits my ear, she feels so warm.

"I'm fine" I manage to say after my breathing changes into a heavier pace.

"I just want you to know, that I'm not sorry about kissing you, and that if I could, I'd do it longer, I wanted to do it the night it was thundering but I didn't, but your so irresistible and I can't help myself anymore " she whispers into my ear slowly her hands wrap around my waist as she hugs me from behind, her mouth dangerously close to my ear, I can't respond my words won't come out, my heart beat is so fucking loud I wonder if she can hear it, and god I don't even wanna go further to the other parts she has effected.

Before I knew it, her lips kiss my ear, slowly before she moves to my earlobe and bites it gently into her mouth, I gasp and a sound that hasn't escaped my mouth before comes out.

I fucking moaned? what the fuck?

I know what sex is and how to do it, I mean Zoe has sex with his boyfriend then goes to tell all the time.

This isn't sex though, this is Y/n biting my fucking ear, it feels so good I feel myself becoming awfully wet in the lower region, I try to contain myself but I feel Y/n kiss underneath my ear, a cocky smirk appears her lips.

I can feel it, she's so fucking sexy and she knows she is. She knows what she's doing to me & I hate that I'm letting her have so much power over me.

"Beautiful" Y/n whispered into my ear before she goes to my neck and leaves big kisses on it.

"Y/n" i whisper out a throaty moan, she nods as she digs her face more into my neck with a chuckle

"Yes Billie" she says as she has the biggest smirk on her face, as her arms hold me, then I feel something hard poke my back, she's hard against me, I can't help but moan quietly when I feel her against me, this is too fast and I try to contain myself before I lightly nudge her off me.

"You better behave yourself, were in public and there's children around" I say, finally regaining my sass, thank the fucking lords, she sits there with her arms crossed, her dick hard as ever and she doesn't even try to hide it. Instead her eyes bore into mine with lust, she looks at me like I'm the most tastiest desert she'll ever have, I  can't help but melt around her gaze.

I throw a bracelet at her and she laughs at me, "You weren't speaking to me like that just 2 seconds ago" as she catches the bracelet and puts it back on the table.

"Shut up" is all I manage to say and then I show her the middle finger, she always laughs when I do this because apparently it doesn't suit me, she shouldn't of taught me what it meant then.

"Make me shut up" she says with a challenge on her face.

"No just do it" I say as I turn to avoid her gaze, she always gets me melting whenever she looks at me that way.

"Just do it? shall I make you shut up, I seem to be pretty good at it" she says which causes me to turn at her, her eyes look at me up and down my whole body which makes me nervous, I gasp. When Lucas, Madison, Kenzie and Rue were badly behaved I used to put them in the naughty corner, now it's gonna be Y/n's time.

"Go sit over there, your on time out" I say which makes her burst into fits of laughter.

"I am not a child, you can't put me on time out" she says with laughter I can't help but laugh back, but she's playing too much with me and she can't have the upper hand in our friendship it's me who has the upper hand.

"Now" is all I say and she laughs before holding  her hands up in surrender

"Your not allowed to look at me either" I say as she sits in the corner.

She begins laughing as she turns her back to me, I can see her looking at me through the reflection which causes me to giggle, I turn my back to the front and serve customers.


We walked back to my house and Y/n smiles. as she walks me to my door, and then leans on the top as she looks at me with such adoration. I settle my things down, she doesn't come into my house ever, I haven't ever told her to, I just don't like the way it looks so I don't invite her.

She looks at it from outside but her eyes are always on me.

"I'll see you tomorrow beautiful" she chuckles as I walk towards her, I can't help but smile back, she looks so cute and silly as she looks at me like she's going crazy for me, I push her slightly and she chuckled as she pulls me in her arms.

"The kids are gonna be home soon, stop" i say
with a laugh but she begins assaulting my neck in light kisses.

"Just wait 2 minutes" Y/n tries to negotiate as she holds me in her arms longer, I wrap my arms around her and sigh giving into her hug and kisses, she feels amazing and I can't even deny that.

"Okay 5 minutes now" Y/n whispers, my eyes are shut and I hold her in my arms as my hands move up to her hair and begin massaging her skull gently, her eyes shut and she drops her head into my shoulder as she lets me play with her hair.

Her heartbeat matches mine, she really isn't playing with me like people in this village said she is, her heart tells me that, the way she looks at me tells me, my trust in her becomes even stronger, I don't care what anyone tells me, Y/n isn't playing around with me and she genuinely likes me for me.

"HEY BILLIE" we hear the kids and break up the hug

"Hi y/n" they all say with a smile and Y/n smiles and hugs them all.

Y/n heads out and I hear her bike going off smiles and nugs them all.

Y/n heads out and I hear her bike going off which means she went and I can't help but think about how today was one of my favourite days ever.

A/N: y'all know the deal
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