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Y/n’s Pov

“She’s alive? Then let’s forget about it and MOVE THE FUCK ON we all got what we wanted” Greg tried to comply, right now we have him locked up underground, we built this secret basement a long time ago.

“Move on? That’s my whole life you wanted to kill, now shut the fuck up Greg” I growl as I kick his knee, he screams out in pain, apparently he injured his knee when he was in high school, that’s why I’ve continuously kicked that knee.

“Listen Y/n, I’ll give you money please let go of this insanity” he cries out, he’s tied up with ropes, the rest of my men and my friends are sitting around watching this in amusement.

“Remember we played would you rather, I grew fond of it recently, you had given me the option to either kill Billie, or you’ll kill all the children in the village, well I got one for you now” I laugh at him, it scares him, I pace back and forth with my hands behind my back talking in a calm manner.

“Y/n I’m sorry please let me go, I’ll give you all the money you want” he shakes and tosses and turns from the ropes but it won’t work he’s tied to hard against the chair.

“So here’s the options, would you rather me cut your legs off or your arms? Pick one of those, if you don’t pick any, I’ll do all four, you have 20 seconds to decide” I chuckle as I pull his chin, he screams as loud as he can.

Everyone around us laughs at his crying.

“20, 19, 18, 17” I start shouting

“Please I’m so sorry I’ll go on my knees and apologise to your girlfriend” he cries out

“That depends if you have knees” I chuckle, not feeling an ounce bad, flashbacks of Billie shot, bleeding in my arms, her beauty in that rain I should kiss her in the rain not shoot her.

Remembering the children crying in the village that day, how I went home screaming, mentally disturbed about what I did, I’ll never forget it. It’s a memory stuck in brain and until I get him back I’ll never be okay. I need this for my sanity.

This would eat me alive if I let him get away with this.

I continue counting as he screams and cries to the point where he nearly vomits, I am not gonna feel bad for this.

Harry barfs once he hears Greg barfing and runs to the bathroom, causing Justin to laugh his head off.

“13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7”

“I dare you to chop off his balls and give it to Harry as a gift” Justin shouts

“No no please sir leave me alone, please I apologise” He cries out in hysterical fits of tears

“That’s it looks like all four is going” I chuckle

Justin pulls out a massive sword

“This is a butchers knife, look at that  wow” Justin says

“You know Greg, I would of just killed you, but that girl you wanted to kill she made me promise I wouldn’t, you know why, she’s 1000 times richer than you, she carries her heart on her sleeve, you fucked with the wrong woman, you fucked with my woman” I growl as I grab the knife and slice his left arm, blood gasped out everywhere but I didn’t care, I made sure I made him suffer.

Using his right arm I made him sign papers to me, all of his businesses onto Y/n Curtis.  That’s it, now this village will all be extremely wealthy after this business we put together sky rockets.

I got my men to finish the rest because I was going to actually puke.

Then I told them to throw him in the hospital and pay for whatever treatment he needs.

After we went to the hotel and I showered there, I didn’t want Billie or anyone else seeing us covered in blood or smelling like it.

Parking my car I run home, barging through the door I’m met by a beautiful smell.

Fuck did I dream of this.

“Oh if it isn’t the love of my life” Billie hums in a cute apron, her hair is in a messy bun and she squints slightly. Haha does she need glasses? She squints a lot maybe I should get that checked out.that checked out.

“Hello beautiful, I missed you” I murmur as I crush her into my arms and kiss her so sensually.

“It’s been 6 hours”she giggles

“A year and 6 hours” I cry out

“I cooked, try the food and please be honest, tell me if it taste like cat food” she complains and I chuckle as I pull her onto my lap, she chuckled.

“Y/n…Ken is here, she’s just in the toilet” she innocently complains, even though I know she loves when I’m all touchy with her.

“I need to be fed I had such a long day” I complain like a child, she smiles as she pecks my lips.

“Are you gonna tell me about it?” She asks me

Wrapping my arms around her waist I nod

“In the sauna tonight, I’ll tell you” I whisper

"You know I realized Our love is like playing with fire"I said earning a smile from her

"And why is that?" She asked

"Because we've been through a lot, it's dangerous and now you're like a fire to me. I don't play with fire babygirl except on bed tho" I said smirking at her

"Stop it bozo"

"Hey! I know you love it"I added

"Whatever you say Y/n" she smiles as she puts a spoonful of food in my mouth, watching my reaction, I can’t help but smile, fuck maybe her hands are magic cos this taste fucking amazing, there’s no lie in that.

“This is amazing baby” I smile but she stands up and rolls her eyes

“I bet it taste like cat food” she complains as she walks away I can’t help but laugh

“I really shouldn’t of made that comment I was trying to be romantic but no fucking lie, if you don’t believe me watch me sit here and eat the whole tub” I say to her causing her lips to rise into the prettiest smile

“Do you seriously like it?” She asks me

“So Fucking good, wifey material you are” I wink at her as I drag her back into my lap, she begins feeding me.

Ken hasn’t come out yet? She must be busting a shit. So good for us I need my girl right now.

“I’ve always wanted to do this for you, the day you took me out for Christmas, it became a big dream of mine to feed you from my hands” she smiles and I can’t help but feel myheart melting, that’s so touching and I love this woman so much..

“You know what my dream is?” I ask her as I hold her waist

“Tell me” she whispers dangerously close to my mouth, I feel myself becoming hard, this woman has this effect on me.

“My dream is to make you Billie Curtis, and make little Bil-Y/n babies” I whisper

Maybe it’s too quick to say that but I do. Want that.

Her lips curve into such a beautiful smile and I raise my brows asking her what’s up.

“You want babies, because I wouldn’t mind” she chuckled

“Yes but right now I want you all to myself” I smirk

She giggles and puts another spoonful in my mouth.

“Oh hey guys, I think I’m lactose intolerance” Ken says ruining our moment



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Someone requested this plot so I think we're going this way! Lmao

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