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Y/n's Pov

As soon as I wake up I rush into the bathroom, I do my business, then I brush my teeth, shower and then I run out to the front porch.

I bought my own motorbike so that I can just go to the village and back and not use the driver. Fucking snitched on me to my mother about me going to the village constantly now imma headnthere myself. I park my bike before I head to Billie's, before I can even see her I can hear her beautiful giggle, so fucking precious, my lips curve up into a smirk.

I creep up behind her, my hands behind my back before I put my chin on her shoulder.

"Hello there" I say, looking at her as she drops into my body and gasps, my lips curve into a smirk knowing I got her.

"Y/n you scared me oh my god" she cries out before she turns and swats my arms, my lips curve into a smile, one that I didn't know I did that much but seems to come out only around her, she smiles back at me before she grabs my hand.

"How was yesterday with your mom?" She asks me, I don't answer her instead I look at her with a mischievous smile, one that I know makes her blush, because I've missed that god damn pretty face.

Don't give me shit and say 'oh y/n it's been one day', it's Billue for fucks sake. "Stop Y/n" she playfully complains as she lightly pushes me.

"You look pretty today, like you look pretty everyday but today I don't know what it is, oh I see you've tied your hair up" I say as I analyse her, she's got her hair completely tied back in a bun.

How is she so fucking beautiful, I'd look bald if I did that.

She's gorgeous so gorgeous and her tying her hair back shows her pretty features even more. She begins walking as I take her luggage in my hand, she no longer argues about it and lets me hold it.

"I won't even respond to your sill compliments anymore" she lightly giggles before looking. down, her cheek crimson red and her eye lashes bat, she's so adorable fuck me.

"Who's this?" randomly a bunch of men on bikes approach us, oh so this is the bike gang in the village.

"It's okay she's my friend guys" Billie says as she holds my arm, I'm not fucking scared of these men, I've been in worse fights before.

"We heard from Que she's a rich girl, what the fuck is your intention with Billie" one of the boys say, his hair as thick as ever, do they all share the same braincell because the others nod in agreement.

"Same shit, I told Que already, ask him what my response was and then come back to me, none of you men scare me, trust me" I say as Billie drags me away from them, they all look pissed off and follow the direction we're going in

"Oi rich girl, you hurt my sister and I'll fucking make sure you lose your ability to walk" the boy shouts

"Don't threaten me you skinny prick" i laugh at him and Billie gasps, I have an ego I won't let these random men talk to me like shit.

"The name is Finneas, you wanna come here and settle this? I'll fucking kill you bro" he says as he jumps in the spot

"Finneas stop, leave us alone please" Billie pleads

"Listen to her bro, i won't go easy on you next time" I say as I chuckle at him, our eye contact at eachother is nothing but competition.

Billie drags me away as we walk to the stall, she quickly sets it up whilst panting

"Why did you talk back to him? if they see you alone they'll make sure they hurt you, because i was there they didn't hurt you Y/n" Billie says as she panicked.

"They won't do shit to me Billie, who is he tho?" I reply back more relaxed.

"That boy who you just had a shouting competition with is Finneas, He's my brother and the other boys are the members of his gang. They don't care if they get arrested Y/n, they'll kill you if they have to, I get your tough and whatever but it's you against 8/9 of them" she says as she looks at me, disappointment visible on her face.

"I thought you're an only child?" I ask still dumbfounded about everything she said

"I said that because I barely see him anymore, He change after our parents died. He's not the Finneas that I used to know. My brother is a sweet caring and a dorky one, That boy is nothing compared to him. I don't consider him as my brother anymore not until he goes back to who he really is" she said trying to wipe the tears in her beautiful ocean eyes. I grab her hands down her wipe her tears instead with a towel.

"But seriously Y/n tho, I don't want you to get hurt" She added. Damn this girl can't let of it.

"They can't talk to me like shit Billie, I told you from the fucking start I don't have no bad intentions if I would of done something bad I would of done it by now, why the fuck doesn't anyone understand that?" I growl back at her

"Because your higher class Y/n, rich people have come to this village to try and sell some of our girls and they get beaten by our men, they try to hire them to be their personal slaves they get beaten by our men, they try to humiliate us Y/n, I trust you but they don't know you like I know you Y/n" she sighs, I look at her, not knowing what to say, she has a point.

"I care about you more than anything Billie, I really fucking do" i immediately respond, anger rising up in my voice, I care about her so much.

"I care about you too Y/n, I really do and I missed you when you wasn't here yesterday, I truly did" she sighs as she runs her hands through her hair.

"Your beautiful" I smile

"Shut up" she responds before hitting my arm.

I pull her hand and pull her into me, I don't know why I'm being so brave but I hold her face, gently caressing her beautiful face, I feel like I'm dreaming, my heart races extremely fast, I feel like I'm holding the worlds precious thing in the world.

Her eyes look into mine, we freeze, no one else is around us, I literally zone out, my thumb caresses her cheek and her mouth parts, she's so nervous and it's so cute on her. No one has touched her like this before for sure, because she's a busy pure girl, she's told me she's never had anyone.

She's only liked Que?

But now she is in my hands, I cannot fuck this up. I move my head closer, her breathing hitches and I could see her eyes shut, she wants me to kiss her as much as I want to, so I did, I softly press my lips to hers, her lips gently brush against mine, her hands freeze on her side and my lips move against her own, my heart beat becomes even faster, her soft lips melt me, I wanna stay kissing her forever.

Then we both turn as we see Zoe standing at our stall gasping.

"You had 3 customers Bil" Zoe says, Billie's cheeks heat up and I lick my lips, not believing I just kissed her, I wanna just scream how happy I am instead I just melt on the bricks and sit as my butterflies take over me. No one has ever made me feel this way.

She doesn't turn back to look at me but Irene giggles at her but Billie tries to throw her container lid at her but Zoe runs.

I can't believe I just kissed her, I am never washing my mouth again. Jokes I want her to kiss me again so I guess I gotta wash my mouth again.

Wow- just wow...

A/N: Hope y'all like this chapter!
Y'all know the deal
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