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Billie's Pov

The  alarm I have in my tiny room goes off, it feels like I slept for a minute, that's what happens when you sleep like shit.

I wake up and since Lucas is the oldest amongst the children I sent him to get breakfast for the children, meanwhile I rush off whilst getting ready and then going to work carrying the luggage I have with me.

As I was walking I bump into a tall body. "Morning" her bright smile contagious as hell, it is so early how can you look so perfect this early.

It's currently 6.50

"You said you'll be here for 6.45" I complain at her playfully

"I know but I kinda figured you wouldn't eat breakfast so I got us food to eat whilst we sit at the stall?" She adds, my lips curve up into a smirk as her eye brows wiggle I gently tap her chest

"You didn't have to" I say, whilst I feel all giddy inside, I feel so shy after knowing she got me food.

My cheeks have 100% turned red but I continue wheeling the luggage so that she doesn't notice.

"Let me take this" she says as she takes the luggage out of my head, I laugh and shake my head in disbelief, I won't ask her why she's doing this but it really does shock me that she made an effort to do a full day of work with me.

"You have that bag with you I can carry it" i say as she does have the food in her hand, but she refuses and takes it out of my hand.

I really have never had someone care about me, the fear of me becoming too attached to her hits me, if I rely on her to help me too much then I'll feel shit if it all of a sudden stops. I have managed to be alone and do things independently.

"Are you okay?, you are awfully quiet and less sassy today" Y/n says with a laugh as she notices me all quiet, the truth is I was just so flattered that she got me food and came this early.

I fucking hate waking up this early to work, I love meeting people and playing around with the villagers in the market but this early isn't for me.

I love this village if I wasn't struggling with my life financially this village is the best thing ever because everyone here is like a family. Zoe who lives two doors down is one of my best friends, she lives with her parents though, she's so lucky, her parents are so kind and caring and always tell me to come and hang out with them.

Zoe works in the stalls so I see her everyday, she sells children's toys. She does quite well with her stall and when she makes a lot she makes sure to buy me food, I always decline but she's my best friend and she literally forces me.

"I'm not being sassy because it's too early to be sassy, I'll give you shit a little bit later don't worry" I say to Y/n with a wink, her lips curve into a smile as she watches me in amusement. I always find ways to jokingly pick on her and I know she likes it when I do.

"You actually were a bit of a diva with your 6.45 comment" y/n adds with a laugh

"Yeah well your forgiven for that" i say with a smile, we reach the market and y/n sets the table up as she makes me sit on the bricks behind her.

"Hey Billie, how are you?" Denzel shouts at me from his stall

"I'm good zel how are you?" I shout back

"Still poor" he says with a laugh.

All the villagers laugh at Denzel's joke.

"HEY BIL" Zoe says as she runs to me and
grips me in a big fat hug. "Hey Zoe, you look like shit" y/n laughs quietly at my straight forwardness whilst she lays out the table.

Paradise//Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now