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In deep sleep I feel Billie, I can hear her light breaths, not liking the little bit of distance between our bodies, I pull her tighter to me, I drop my face into her neck as I inhale her scent.

Fuck I have missed you so much my Billie, and my prayers have been answered, she’s here in my arms, breathing and mine.

"Y/n” I her her softly murmur

“Hmm” I respond back quietly

“You know I’m not going anywhere” she chuckles and I hold her even tighter than I was before and dig my face more into her neck resulting in her laughing, then using my legs I tangle mine around her cusing her to giggle.

“I can’t take any risks” I sleepily murmur, but it’s the truth, I can’t believe she’s in my arms and I’m not dreaming.

“Y/n will he come back to the village and hurt us again?” She asks me, letting go of her she turns to me, I cup her face and kiss her lips.

“No one is gonna fucking touch you, don’t worry he’s being taken care of, all you have to do is relax,please don’t overwork anymore, we ain’t living in a village anymore
Okay, everyone’s able to relax now and if you don’t then my hard work is bullshit “ I sigh, her eyes look into mine

“Y/n I won’t sit at home while you bring money in, I’m not an egg” Billie claims and I sigh again for the 5th time during this conversation

“I’m not saying that Bil, what if you made your own company, you sell your own bracelets and make your own brand and you won’t be an egg but you also will have a relaxed job, you love art and fashion” I try
Explaining to her

“I guess that’s a good idea, but Y/n are you over working yourself, did you even eat dinner today because if you skip any meals I won’t talk to you I promise” she furrows her brows and it makes me smile, I love this woman, she is such a mom sometimes, when she looks annoyed it’s so beautiful I can’t get over her.

“I actually only have eaten you today, but we can cook something in the Kitchen” I ask her

“Do you know how to cook?” She asks me

“There’s a recipe book in there we can follow it?”

“Come on, do the kids even live here?” Billie asks looking around this new big house I made for her.

“Yeah didn’t you hear them running upstairs” I ask her and she gasps

“Upstairs, what? You made an upstairs” she curiously asks with shock evident

“Yeah, Kenzie is growing up she needs her own room and Lucas is getting too tall for that small bed and Rue doesn’t stop talking and it makes Sam angry so I kinda made them their own rooms but Kenzie’s I have a walk talky in my room incase she cries because she does cry here and there” I tell her

It makes Billies tears drop, she rushes to put her clothes on

“Did you comfort her? My poor baby, usually when she’s sad she sleeps with me” Billie says

“Go sit with her, I’ll make us something to eat” I smile, Billie turns and finds their room whilst I panic looking at the recipe book and calling Lia..she answers, thank God

“This better be important” she growls

“Run to my Billie’s house please, I need help cooking her something to eat” I complain

“Ken and I are coming, don’t get the hang of this, we’re only doing this because Ken is dying to meet her” Lia claims

“Okay okay come quick” I I groan



This is short but I wanna update cuz I don't wanna leave y'all hanging!

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I'm planning to publish another book next week after I finished writing this one and I'm currently working on "YOUNG AND NAIVE" check it out if you haven't read that yet. I wanna put another drama before ending this tbh. Y'all know me, I like playing with y'all so stay tuned people! love youuu

 Y'all know me, I like playing with y'all so stay tuned people! love youuu

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