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Billie's Pov

I came back from the tailors, then had a bath, I cleaned myself and then I decided to create more bracelets, so I sat by a bench, by myself creating bracelets.

"Billie whats up" a Male voice comes from behind, I smile, it's Que. My close friend from this village, also someone I have a crush on.

I don't think I do anymore, well I'm not sure. "Hey Sev, how are you?" I ask him as he sits on the seat opposite me.

"I'm okay, just been working all day, I'm surprised to see you, you've been hanging out with that rich girl a lot" he states

"Well she's very kind and helpful" I reply back

"Is she filming a documentary or sum shit?" He says rolling his eyes

"No she just is helping me thats it Que, not everyone rich is an asshole who just films it to show thousands of people to get a good name, she generally wants to help me" I say sounding slightly annoyed.

"Bil, these rich people don't give a shit about us, if they did there would be less children starving, imagine how much money all these people have in this world, they could stop world hunger, we're hungry people, we need it" he replies, I know it's the truth but y/n is different for sure, she wants to help me but I won't allow her too.

She can help the village by all means, she helped Zoe out with her roof. That made me happy.

"I know Sev, but what's the point complaining about it, we're not getting any younger, nothing has changed, nothing will change we have to accept the life we were given" i reply back.

There is literally no complaining, this is my life and a rich person coming here to help me specifically everyday does confuse me but I'm fond of y/n and she is amazing company, she makes me laugh a lot and she can tolerate my insults.

What makes me laugh the most is that I forget how rich or important she is to the world because she doesn't brag about it at all, she deadass wants to help so I won't tolerate Que slandering her like this.

I see Que agree with my statement, he nods and then fiddles with one of my bracelets.

"How long is the rich girl gonna be around for? don't get to close to her, what if she's tricking you? They might wanna sell you for a high price or some stupid shit like that, you can never be too sure, your trusting her too easily Billie" Que says and before I argue another voice speaks up

"You don't know me, so don't make false accusations about me" Y/n says, anger evident on her face, I've never seen her like this

"No, I wasn't saying it to be malicious, I care about Billie a lot so I was making sure you weren't a creep" Que tries to say to her

I can cut the tension here with a knife

"Okay it's fine guys" I try and say and before I know it Y/n grabs Que by the collar of his shirt and slams him to the wall causing me to gasp

"The fact that you think you can bad mouth me like that pisses me off, I'd never do anything in my life to fucking hurt her, don't ever try and make her hate me, I know what your trying to do" Y/n growls at him, I run from behind her and try and pull her off him but she's too strong.

"I didn't mean it like that can you relax man" Que tries to say

"Don't ever in your LIFE talk shit like that again, do you understand?" Y/n growls, I pull her off him.

"Y/n sit down now, Sev can you go please" i try and say and he sighs and walks away, I hold Y/n's arms and guide her to sit down, I sigh as she clenches her jaw in anger.

Paradise//Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now