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Y/n's Pov

Crying, that's practically all I've done, I can't remember the last time I've cried.

It's been 4 days now But fuck am I stupid? yes 100% a fucking idiot.

I've drank so much alcohol yet nothing is fucking helping.

Growling, I run to my father's room and smash his laptop, his lamp as my mum tries to control me.


My father becomes startled and moves back as I use a broken piece of glass towards him.

"Y/n calm down man, lets talk" he whispers

"I want Billie, I don't fucking want her and I'm wanna leave your fucking company, marry Billie and move the fuck away from this bullshit, I lost the best thing that has ever happened to me" I growled

"Who is Billie? Babe did you know about a Billie?" He shakes as he speaks, I'm not even in my current state of mind, it's clear why he's mad

"Yeah, I want Y/n to be with Billie as well" my mother silently whispers "She left me mom, she knows about Lily" I whisper our broken hearted my mums tears stream

"My baby I'm so sorry" she whispers as she hugs me

"Billie? Listen y/n if you really fucking wanna marry her then I'll talk to them about cancelling the business" my father says resulting in me looking at him in shock.

Why didn't he say this before, it would of been easier to fucking deal with. My heart races, I'll actually have Billie, I'll explain to her that I've been trying to get out of it.

Lily didn't fucking matter, it was always her.
She's so mad at me right now would she even forgive me? Lucas didn't even talk to me today, he told me he didn't want to go to school anymore and that he doesn't want my money.

It broke my heart because I know his loyalty lies with Billie but this is his life. I spent an hour convincing him that he's doing this for Billie and he went to school today.

"Talk to lily's father Greg and tell him it isn't happening Dad" I say firmly

"I'll talk to him in the morning Y/n" he tried to reason with me


Then the whole family barge into the room

"What is all the noise about? it's so loud in here" a sleepy hanna says

"Ewwww I can see your salami nips" Jessi says whilst laughing

"Greg we need to have a word, can everyone leave" My father says

They all leave.

"So her name is Billie and your in love with her? The girl from the village?" Greg asks

"Yes" I respond as I sigh, I love her, my angel and reason for happiness, I promise I'll come back and put a smile back on your face.

"Right well I don't know what to say, we'll discuss this when you come back from Singapore, go there, clear your head and come back, maybe you'll forget about this girl, I have high hopes for you Curtis, don't let me down, and don't tell my daughter about this" Greg firmly says

So that's what we did, we booked our ticket back to Singapore, my heart aching, the morning I wake up I run to the village, I see Billie and Zoe smiling. She's doing better already, good for her.

I run up to them and before I speak, Zoe talks

"Y/n? What are you doing here?"

"I need to speak to Billie" I respond, she walks away but I follow her

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