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Y/n's Pov

I am so stupid, I didn't even bother to get the pretty lady's name, I'll just remember her ocean eyes I guess, that's her strongest feature.

She's so beautiful, it's rare to come across such precious beauty, I've never been the type to be struck by someone like that before, I could tell what kind of person she was from the second the child stole my money and gave it to her.

She loves everyone and everyone in that village love her. It was so hot in the village and my family and I couldn't handle the heat, we had to buy cold water bottles to cool down whereas the pretty girl was working hard with selling her personalised bracelets.

I smile as I remember how I made her nervous when she was packing them away for me, tomorrow my mission is to find out her name & to ask her if she ate dinner.

I really hope she does eat, she works hard and she should know that. Tomorrow I'll go and buy more from her and hopefully she does well in her business.

"What's got you smiling honey " Ally asks as she walks to me, I look at her and shrug

"Is it Lily? today was a nice trip to the village wasn't it, you and Lily got to know eachother well" she asks as she sits next to me, I'm sitting on the rooftop of their house, there's a little bench there, it's nice here to get some fresh air.

"Yeah" is all I respond, she gets that I'm not a 'talker' or something because I haven't bothered to make conversation unless my mum gives me those eyes. That's when I talk. For now I don't need to pretend I'm excited to marry Lily.

That night I went to bed after a fake very fake dinner with the family, my mum gave me the eyes to be nice and that's what I did.

I think Lily is more excited with the way her friends will react to herself marrying me, apparently her friends have heard of Y/n Curtis and they like me, that's what she tells me, she says she cannot wait for me to meet her friends.

I'm just tired, I go to the shower and get ready for bed, I wonder what pretty girl is doing right now. Where does she sleep? Does she even sleep?

I hope she does, I hope she's getting good rest and I'll find her tomorrow hopefully, I can't wait to see her beautiful face. So many questions I wanna ask, my curiosity is really getting the best of me. I want to know who Lucas is to her. I want to know where her parents are, that's too personal for someone she just met.

Geo: How is Los Angeles homie?

Y/n: The country is very nice, the ppl were staying with WEIRD AF.

Geo: you know what mom & dad are like, I'm happy with who I married I mean I got lucky but it's not like that for everyone, you might get to like her bro.

Y/n: I really don't think so, she's more bothered about her status and what her friends think then really getting married, I don't think mum has thought this out well man

Geo: I don't even know what to say I wish I could save you rn

Y/n: I wish you could, hows the kids?

Geo: they are crazier than ever, they miss their aunt y/n

Y/n: LOL I bought them these really pretty bracelets from the village

Geo: Ahh thank you man, that's very nice of you, I'm sure they'll love them

Y/n: They have to, it was made with a lot of

Geo: did your dad make it?

Y/n : shut up

Geo: I love you bro, good luck, whatever happens, life goes on and she'll realise soon that your not the one and will maybe divorce you out of her own will?

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