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Billie's Pov

I received a letter as I woke up, it was 7:45 the children start school at 8 so they need to hurry, I panic as I keep forgetting that they go to school now. I rush them to get ready and once they are ready they leave for school, Y/n made sure they were provided school meals and gave them money to go to the cafeteria in the morning.

I would of given them food but they insist that they are okay which means Y/n has given them so much money now.

Y/n? Where is she today?

The letter is it from her? I open it and read

Hey Baby,

Just wanted to tell you that I'm lonely in bed without you by my side, it feels pretty shit, you've somehow come to my life like an angel, I know that's a bit scary considering it's been a month and I've become crazily attached but honestly you've woken up a new side of me. A happier side to me, a humbler side to me. I am not using you to become a better person, you made me want to be one. I really wish you knew how much I'd kill to be with you right now but mum is complaining about me not being around anymore. So I hope you use this money to buy yourself breakfast because I know you won't eat unless I force you. Please eat and don't make me worried, if I find out you didn't eat you know what the punishment is. Hahaha, love you loads

Y/n x

My heart aches knowing I've gone through 2 days with Y/n barely around, it feels honestly shit but I should get used to it, but when she sends letters like this it makes my heart beat like crazy, I get butterflies around my body and I feel different. I feel loved, like she made effort to write me a letter.

It touched me honestly reading that letter, to know Y/n considered telling me, I always think about her now, I don't know what I'd do if she wasn't around because she's someone I can't forget, she's changing the children's lives, she entered my life like an angel. Like a gift from god.

It was like god answered all my prayers, the nights I used to cry because I had nothing to give to the children, Y/n came and took them under her care and provided them with an education.

People hate school, but if you were in the position we were in it would be a dream come true. Y/n did the best thing for the kids, and that's why I love her, because she did it from the kindness of her heart.


Long long hours without Y/n, it feels like hell, but luckily Zoe sat with me all day whilst her mother watched her stall and worked there.

Once I was done I went to the tailors, and worked on some dresses and clothing, my sweat is dripping like crazy, my neck cramps up from the position I've been in and I sigh to myself, I work like a dog, I'm exhausted, that day off Y/n had given me worked wonders, I hadn't woken up on my own accord in so damn long.

"Look woman, I need my dress made by Saturday, like pronto, I don't care, my mother is charging you extra so do it" the young woman says with her arms crossed

"Saturday, that's only two days" I say with shock evident on my face.

"So? Your getting paid extra for this so do it, if it isn't done by Saturday I'm gonna get this tailors shut down, it's fucking hot in here as well, tramps" the woman says with angernboiling up

I didn't know how to respond so I look down and nod, slightly hurt with how disrespected I was.

"Lily calm down honey" the woman says who I assume is her mom, they look familiar

"No mom, she's a fucking tramp from the street and she doesn't appreciate that we're giving her extra money, shut the fuck up and just work. I should've bought something on some luxurious clothing line company but my stupid fiance apparently wants me to try "something new out of my style" she growls

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