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Billie's Pov

Taking a big breath I smile in content, my heart could burst with the happiness I feel with Y/n beside me and being there for me constantly. She's sleeping next to me right now, I don't know how I got so lucky, not because she buys me gifts but because she shows me how much I'm worth, she loves me when I failed to believe I was worth love.

Sitting up on the bed I wipe my tears, trying to silently cry so Y/n won't wake up and hear me.

But it was too late, she heard me, her arm pulls me into her naked body, her eyes sleepy as I fall into her.

"What's wrong beautiful?" She murmurs while wiping my eyes with her thumbs, I can't help but smile at how beautiful she
Looks half asleep, she's adorable and I'm so in love with her.

"Nothing is wrong, your just too good to be true" I whisper staring into her eyes, to cut the tension chuckle but she pulls my face and kisses me.

A kiss that was innocent turns into something more than that, her tongue fights into my mouth, she rolls on top of me and intertwines her hand in mine, I can't help but groan as I feel her hard against me. We've just had rounds and rounds, and I'm sore now but somehow I'm desperate
for her again.

Y/n has that power over me, just one kiss and I lose my mind over her.

"You know what pisses me off my Billie Eilish" she husks out as her mouth travels to my ear, her mouth nibbling on my ear causing me to grip onto her back and wrap my leg around her, feeling soaked from that mouth of hers.

"What pisses you off" I manage to ask

"You not knowing how fucking important you are, you think these beds are big gifts but you don't even know half of the things you've done for me, my heart and my mindset" Y/n says before diving into my neck, her teeth sinking into my skin, my heart beat going even faster, I haven't done anything for her, not even half as what she did for me.

Sadly I push her off me, she looks at me confused before I get off the bed and reach into my draw. Her lips are slightly swollen from the none stop kissing.

I walk back to the bed as I straddle her lap, her hands stroking my hips.

"I made it for you, you don't have to wear it but keep it for you and when you go back to Thailand, just remember me by it" I say as I hand her a bracelet I made her, this isn't any bracelet I spent so fucking long making it.

"Are you insane, ofcourse I'm gonna wear it, I love it Bil, wow thank you" Y/n says as she puts it on her wrist, the hugest grin on her face, it makes me so happy knowing she genuinely likes my gift.

My smile mirrors hers and she sits up on the bed and pulls me for a hug before. kissing my cheek gently.

"I tried to fit my nieces and nephews ones on my wrist, that didn't go according to plan so" she says causing me to giggle

"Why didn't you try wearing it as a ring then?" I respond causing her to laugh an
wink at me

"You genius" she says

I watch Y/n fiddle with her hardened dick, my breathing changed as hers did, her jaw is clenched and she enters me causing me to cry out and drop my head in her shoulder.

Her mouth sucks onto my nipple as her eyes stare directly at mine, my hands loop into her hair as I tug onto it, her large dick taking me once again, I will never adjust to her size.

"I'm gonna cum" I cry out

"Me too baby, come for me" Y/n groans, my mouth finding hers, she takes her dick out and pumps her dick.

"One day I'm gonna come inside you, you know that" she says whilst pumping her dick, the sight drives me insane, my hand grips onto her hardened cock and I use my hand to pump her shaft, but Y/n pulls me and makes me sit on her face, I bend down, my mouth trying to take her hard dick in, I feel her mouth eat me out, her hands palming my ass.

"Taste so fucking good baby" Y/n groans, her hips thrust up, I try my best to keep my moans contained until I feel my orgasm coming to me, tears leave my eyes as I find my release.

I don't stop sucking onto Y/n's dick until thick layers of cum spurts into my mouth. I drop next to Y/n but she reached out and pulls me towards her, I hold onto her kissing her shoulder.

"That my darling was so called 69" she says randomly

"What?" I say as I look up to her

"You know the position we were in, it's called 69" Y/n says

"Shut up" i say

"Why baby? I think I know your favourite position now" y/n says as she giggles "Oh my god I'm going to sleep" I respond feeling a blush coat my cheeks

Then I fall into a deep slumber in her arms smiling with her.


A/n: 50 votes for the next chapter!

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