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Y/n’s Pov

Waking up, today is the day that I planned, I wanted the kids to live lavishly before I got payback.

Greg is gonna get what’s coming to him, I’m gonna fight for Billie today, she’s alive and she will witness that I am not playing no fucking games, I’m in love with her.

She’s fast asleep next to me right now and I can’t help but groan as I witness her naked form, she’s next to me, I can’t believe it, her back is so flawless, her skin is so soft, I stroke my hands gently on her back as she’s laying on her front, my fingers make shapes.

“I love you too” she chuckles causing me to laugh

“How did you even get that?” I reply shocked that she guessed I wrote that on her back.

“I don’t know, I was hoping you were gonna say that” she murmured in her sleepy state.

My eyes water from just witnessing her wake up beside me as I made love to her last night, her hair is slightly messy and her lips are slightly puffy as she’s woken up but I can’t help but smile until my cheeks nearly burst.

Bending over I peck her back as I hear her softly hum, then I kiss her shoulder as my arms wrap around her waist.

“Can you rest at home today, I don’t want you working today, you just got discharged from the hospital” I murmur into her shoulder

“Where are you gonna be today?” She asks me softly

“Gonna get Greg’s ass today, I was gonna do it a long time ago, but I couldn’t risk this village being damaged, now we all have eachothers back, the village is stronger and I’m gonna make sure he gets what he deserves” I explain to her, still angry at how me made me shoot my Billie.

Billie gently stirs and wraps her legs around me and her arms

“You don’t have to do this Y/n” she sighs”Yes I do Billie don’t argue with me on this please, he wanted you dead Billie” I respond, sudden anger bursting through me.

“I get that baby, but we aren’t evil like them, we’re good people, I know you won’t rest until you get him but promise me you won’t kill him, remember that’s Lily’s dad” Billie explains, he tried to kill her yet this woman’s heart is so fucking big, that’s why I’m so insanely in love with her, she doesn’t care and never holds grudges, whereas I am so protective and still so mad about what he did to her.

“What do you mean not kill him? I want him dead Bil, if he comes here and hurts Kenzie or hurts someone else what are we gonna do?” I respond, she gets my point, her fingers cup my jaw.

“Are you gonna be able to live with the fact that you killed someone?” She asks me

“Don’t worry about me Bil, this isn’t about me” I sigh

“Look at me, no one deserves death, death is an easy way out” she explains to me, damn the headlights in my head shines because damn, she got a point there.

“Your right, I should torture him until he begs for forgiveness, I shouldn’t fuck with his money and he shouldn’t fuck with my girl” I complain, Billie’s lips curve into such a beautiful smile, pulling me down she kisses me hard.

“I’m gonna learn how to cook today” she murmurs between our making out session.

“That’s good baby, even if you cooked cat food I’d still eat it because I love you” I chuckle causing her to burst into giggles

“I rather you be honest with me” she responds whilst reconnecting her lips to mine.

“I rather you be happy” I respond moving my kisses south.

“I love you” she murmurs, still when she says that I feel the insane butterflies in my chest, I am never letting her go.

“I love you, I’ll never stop loving you, my world” I smile as she intertwines her fingers with mine, I lift her hand and peck her palm.intertwines her fingers with mine, I lift her hand and peck her palm.

“Let’s get some breakfast and then you can properly meet Lia and Ken” I respond

Yesterday she fell asleep in Kenzie’s bed whilst Lia and Ken came to see her.

I carried her back to my bed, I know I shouldn’t be selfish and let Kenzie have her moment with Bil but Kenzie was asleep as well so I was being petty, I stole Billie back to our room.

Inviting Lia and Ken for breakfast didn’t go according to plan because apparently they like exposing all the dumb shit I’ve done in my life, Especially Lia.

Billie just laughed her head off at everything, she must think I’m an actual dumbass, watching her laugh made me too happy though.

Too happy that I knew I had to make sure Greg wouldn’t pull shit like this again, because if he did I’d lose her, I wouldn’t hear her adorable laugh, or kiss her as soon as she woke up.

Kissing Billie, Lia and I left while Ken wanted to bake cakes with Billie, I dropped the kids off to school whilst all our friends were meeting up to get Greg.

Leaving the house I spot Que and Lily sitting together, it makes me smile, she deserves to be happy. I witness him pecking her forehead. Okay so this is a thing?

“Don’t break her heart bro” I warm him in the kindest way

“I won’t” he responds with a nod. Entering the car we all go to get Greg and his men.


Hope y'all like this chapter! I'm still thinking if I should put some drama before ending this book. My girl said No!! and ask me to put something else instead. Well let's see then! I still want more drama tho 😳

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Stay safe and take care folks!

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