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Billie's Pov

I wake up to see Y/n isn't beside me, I know she had to go yesterday and I made her stay but for some reason I couldn't hide the fact that! was disappointed.

I was kind of expecting her here when I woke up but it's okay she isn't obligated to be with me at all times and I'm no control freak for sure.

She doesn't have to see me everyday so I'm quite surprised when I don't see her today morning but it's okay, I'm not going to freak out, it's sad that I don't have any other form of contact and I can only see her if she comes to me.

Today was a dreadful day I spent the whole day without Y/n and the children were not around to keep me company either, where the hell are they?

I usually see them running around but today they aren't here, I call Zoe over to watch my stall which she does, then I run around looking for the kids.

I'm so stupid for three whole hours I've been dwelling on where Y/n is that I didn't realise even the kids aren't around.

After finally looking around I find them walking back in 'uniform'

"LUCAS, KENZIE, MADISON,RUE,SAM HOW DARE YOU not even tell me where the hell you have been all day" I practically growl at them

"We was gonna tell you Billie but you was sleeping, we started school today" Kenzie says so innocently that I somehow lose my anger but shock is evident on my face, what the fuck?

"Your telling me, you went to school? All five of you, how?" I ask with confusion then it all makes sense to me

"Don't answer that where is she?" I say before Kenzie can open her mouth

"I told you guys not to run, fucking hell I need to work on my cardio" Y/n says as she bends down catching her breath, leaning her hands on her knee caps, my heart races as I see the reason why the kids are at school.

I love her so much I can't deal with the amount of love I have for her growing in my heart, it's becoming crazier and crazier. "You took the kids to school?" I ask her, she walks towards me and pulls me into her arms and then pecks my lips, I hear Kenzie gasp and then Lucas pull her away.

"Yes I did, is that a problem?" She asks me with a challenging smirk, I don't mind when she does things for the kids because I want the best for them. It would be selfish of me to decline things for the children, as long as I don't make Y/n think she has to give everything to me because she really doesn't.

"No" i whisper, my heart beating as she looks at me with the most adorable smile ever

"I'll go check on the stall" lucas says "CHANGE OUT OF YOUR UNIFORM FIRST" I shout, Y/n erupts into laughter.

"YES WE WILL" Rue says as they run towards our house. "I should of predicted that sentence would come out of your mouth" she says whilst giggling

"Y/n, are you like seriously doing this? like your taking the kids to school?" I ask as I run my
hands up to her neck and then pull her closer

"Yes I am baby, and plus it's just around the corner, don't worry about the funding okay, the kids are gonna have a bright future I promise you" y/n says

"I really don't want them to go to school and be excited and then somehow it stops, I know how it felt for me, promise me you'll stick by them until they're okay, even if I'm not around be there for them please" I whisper, tears leaving my eyes, I'm so happy Y/n did this, it's probably the best thing she has ever done because I'll never be worried that the children will be hurt or abandoned, Y/n would have their backs.

"Hey hey hey" she wipes my tears with her thumbs and then cups my face firmly before pecking my lips

"Billie'Eilish, no matter what circumstance even if you never want me to I will always be here for you, I promise you" she whispers

I close my eyes shut tight to contain my happiness but Y/n gives my lips another firm kiss as she pulls me closer to her and hugs my body, her arms wrap around me protectively as her face hides in my neck.

"You know the kids are watching the stall so we can just go back to yours and you know" she husks out

Y/n's Pov

Billie lets go of me before giggling "You are insane, we did it last night three times" she whispers, I erupt into laughter at her innocence, doesn't she know that I can have her all day I'm that fucking obsessed with her.

"Three isn't enough" I whisper as I intertwine my fingers with hers then kiss the back of her hand leaving light kisses, she sighs, I notice her looking at me with so much lust in her eyes.

"Come on" i whisper, my eyes staring directly at hers I know that's what gets her weak, luckily nobody is around, I walk up behind her and I use my hand to cup her womanhood through her clothing she gasps at my boldness. "I need you Eilish" I whisper as I nibble her ear.

"Y/n we can't leave the kids in the stall alone" she replies as her head tips back, my fingers rub against her and she moans so sexily, she tries to contain them by keeping her lips together but she can't, she loves my fingers.

"Zoe is there, Denzel is there, I saw Harry there, who the fuck is gonna harm the kids after yesterday hmm?" I whisper as I use my hard dick to rub against her back, I can feel her breathing getting heavier, she's so sexy like this.

"Your so annoying Y/n" she cries out

"But you love me" I chuckle into her ear, before I knew it she turns and pulls my hand directly towards her house.

Y'all know what happens next!

A/N: something's going down for the next chapter

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