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Y/n's Pov

My eyes shoot up in discomfort, I'm sleeping on the floor, it's so hard, on my back even if there's a blanket to help me, I sigh.

How does Billie sleep on this every night? there's no fucking way I'm letting her sleeping on this now, after tonight she's gonna have a bed in this room, I look around and I see a sleeping Billie right next to me, her nipple poking out a bit, my heart jumps out of my chest, she's so fucking beautiful, I never thought this day would come.

I would sleep on the floor any day just for Billie to be in my arms and sleeping right beside me.

I can't help myself, I cup her face gently and press my lips to hers, I know I should let her sleep it's only 2am, but I'm buzzing from this happiness, from seeing her in my arms, it feels like she isn't here, my lips peck hers again, that's when I feel her hands on my back and her lips curving into a smile.

"Can't sleep?" She says as her eyes open slightly

"I'm mad at you" I say as I use my body weight to slightly lay on her, her leg wraps around my back and her eyes bore into mine, she looks so dreamy like this, her cat eyes twinkle and her smile looks unreal, she's precious, my heart beat goes mad with love for her, she would never know what she does to me, telling her l love her won't ever be enough.

"Your mad at me yet your kissing me to wake me up" she says with a quiet giggle, my lips form into a smile, I'm so genuinely happy and complete around her.

"You have such a big heart, I can't be half the person you are today Billie, your smart, pretty, funny and you are so creative, no one can fucking be like you, your such a rare person and the fact that you fail to acknowledge that pisses me off, your not allowed to put yourself down anymore, it's banned" I say, I'm genuinely serious she doesn't know how special she is

"Y/n thank you but seriously"

"No buts Bill" I say as I kiss her lips, her mouth responds as her breath hitches, she's still sleepy but she moves her mouth along with mine as our tongues tangle.

"Are you uncomfortable on the floor?" She asks me as we break up from the kiss, I don't want to tell her I am uncomfortable, my back fucking kills, she does this everyday so I can do this for her

"No I'm fine" I say as I kiss her lips again.

She chuckles before holding my face.

"You can sleep like this if your feeling uncomfortable" she says as she moves as she pulls her blanket to reveal her stomach.

I chuckle, how does she expect me to sleep on her when she looks this fucking good.

"Come" she says to me, I nod as I kiss her lips down to her neck, receiving a moan from her, she's intoxicating me, I can't ever be with another woman when the queen of my heart is right here.

Her hands tangle in my hair.

Smut warning ⚠️

"Y/n the kids are sleeping next door" she whispers out a moan as my mouth finds her nipple

"Be quiet then" I respond, my hard dick throbbing with excitement, I want her badly so badly, I took her virginity today, she bled a little bit but that's okay, I'll be the only person to take Billie, she's mine.

My tongue swirls around her nipple and then I sink my teeth in causing her to pull my hair and push her chest up.

"Y/n" she cried out the sexiest moan ever.

"Your mine Eilish, you know that right?" i say as I give attention to her other nipple, whilst using my hands to rub her soaked pussy, she coos out my name in my ear, she's so fucking sexy.

"See how wet you are for me, your soaking Baby. do you want me?" I ask her, as I take my soaked digits and suck onto them, she tastes fucking divine. She manages to nod but thats not what I want from her.

"I need words Bil" I say with a smirk as my fingers rub in circle around her clit, then using my middle finger to insert into her pussy. She bites her lip hard to suppress her moan

"Tell me do you want me?" I need her response, I need to take her now, I can't cope with seeing her this sexy, my cock throbs, it needs to be inside of her right now.

"Please I really need you Y/n" she cries out as she uses her hands to rub up and down my torso
Without a warning I slam my cock straight into her entrance... 9 inches is not that big but it's not also that small , she nearly screams but my hand blocks out her scream, her eyes shut and my body furiously thrusts into her, I should be patient and gentle but I'm obsessed with her, she had gentle before now I'll show her that she belongs to me and only me.

Not Que, not any boy from this village will take her away from me no mater what.

Her tits bounce up and down as I roughly plough into her, I remove myself before pulling her up and laying down, she sits on top of me, I watch her enter herself back into me.

"So sexy look at you" I say as I can see her naked form right infront of me, I grip her waist as she begins moving up and down, her cries were so perfect, she couldn't help but scratch my back from the brutal thrusting that I was giving her.

She took it all, just like the perfect fucking person she was, my mouth found her nipple and sucked onto them, that's when she couldn't help. but moan loudly, I chuckle as I witness her lips parted, her eyes shut and her nipples red with marks and bites from me, only me, even her neck had marks on them, my marks. I grip her hair and pull her down before I give her an open mouthed kiss, her mouth opens as she licks my tongue, moaning into my mouth, we both pant we both are about to cum, I take my dick out as she grips onto my shaft.

Her hand strokes it and I groan with the way she begins pumping it up and down, that's when I used my fingers to to enter her beautiful pussy,we both kiss as we both chase our climaxes.

Now we're both 100% tired, we both fall fast asleep, I slept comfortably on her stomach as she massaged my hair and played with it.


A/N; Damn I'm spoiling y'all with a smut 😭
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