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Y/n's Pov

After my shower I get changed into some comfortable sweats and I go onto my laptop to handle some business.

I get a knock on my door I sigh as I shout for them to come in. It's my mom.

"Why are you behaving like that Y/n?" My mum says to me as she crosses her arms "I'm sorry I had a long flight" I say as I sigh and put my laptop down

"They are going to be your in laws soon, you have to respect them" she growls quietly

"Their own father doesn't respect them who am
I?" I whisper back, it's like a whisper argument

"That's not our business, you know what our business is, so as soon as you marry her, we become joined" my mother says as she tried to explain it to me.

We have enough money why do u want even
more than that. Fine whatever.

I nod as I go back on my laptop not bothering the pointless conversation.

"Be ready for 9 tomorrow, we're going to the market, it's in the village, you can take pictures there" my mum adds

"When did you care about my interest in photography?" I'm generally curious, she didn't care before and now she does?

"I'm your mother I love you y/n and everything
I do is for the best, it's just gonna be me, you,
Lily and her mom that's going to the market" my mother says as she smiles

"How long is the drive?" I respond

"20 minutes, not bad right?" My mother says as
she smiles and tries to cheer me up

"Be careful there's a lot of theft in that village

"Yep, tell them to take me as well" i whisper as I roll my eyes not making direct eye contact with my mom

"What did you say?" She says


"BE READY FOR 9 Y/N" she walks out and I groan.

It's like talking to a brick wall sometimes, she never ever understands me, she used to be amazing when I was younger but now that I'm old enough to care for myself she stopped all of that.

It kind of hurts, I miss the days she would ask me how school was or she'd lecture me in a cute motherly way when I would get in trouble, with Lia ofcourse.

Everything has changed and not for the best but for the worse. I can tolerate this, how bad could
It possibly be to marry Lily. She isn't bothering
me right now and that's the best part.


Y/n's POV

I wake up, get ready to go to the market that's. in the village, I guess it would be nice to take pictures of the market.

I am not looking forward to going with Ally and Lily & my mother. Why on earth would
I want to go with them? They're all girly and i feel like I lost a brain cell or two from my last conversation with them.

I roll my eyes as the knock happened 9 on the dot. Amazing. I proceed to leave and not bother to look Lily's in the eye.

"Morning husband" she says enthusiastically

I mumble a good morning and groan, this day
has just started and I want it to end.

We get in the car and drive to the village, once we're inside the village, my sudden mood that was down goes up, it's amazing here, everyone is really hard working and it's a really friendly environment.

There's a stall that sells water and all sorts, that's where I go, It's too hot here and I need water now, I whip out some cash from my pocket and before I knew it, A little kid snatched it and ran.

I groan, I know their poor but that's fucking rude I would of given them money.

I look at where that child is running and it leads to a girl who's at a stall, selling bracelets. Wow she is fucking beautiful, she has blue eyes, beautiful lips, milky skin and her gummy smile when talking to customers is just out of this world. I see the child secretly putting the money where the girl puts it.

My heart is beating insanely fast, I walk up to them.

These bracelets she's created is really good. "How much are these?" I can just give these to my nieces and nephews, my brother Sean has 4 children.

"They are $4" she says as she smiles at me, I

look at her and I swear to god I have never seen someone so beautiful, the kid is hiding behind her now.

"You know the kid just snatched money out of my hand, I would of given him money if he asked" I say to her as I look at the child

"Lucas what did I tell you about stealing money from people?" She says as she turns to him, he
Frowns and looks at her

"But you never eat dinner anymore, so I have to get more money for you" he says as he frowns

"I'll eat dinner tonight with you, but that means you stop stealing money from people, is that
understood?" He nods and that's when I felt so broken. I should of just let him taken the money and not made a comment, I just was shocked that he did that.

"Sorry about that, I've told him so many times not to do it, how much did he take?" She says as she hands me back a note

"It's okay, I don't mind, I would of given it to
him" I say as I smile

"No it's fine, we don't need the money, take it please" she insists, gosh I am so fucking stupid why didn't I just let him keep the money. This pretty girl skips her meals when she doesn't make enough. That hurts me. I take back the money even though I don't want to.

"Fine can I buy all of these bracelets then?" I challenge her as I smirk, she made me take back my money so I'll make sure she gets to eat tonight, I smile at the boy who looks at her with so much happiness.

"You wanna buy all of them? Why?" She asks curiously "I like them?" I add with a shrug, she knows what I'm doing, but fuck these bracelets are fucking amazing and I like them a lot.

"They're for children they won't fit your wrist" she replies as she looks at my big hands.

"Hey that isn't your concern missy, I like these bracelets, can I get them in a bag please" I respond as I smile at the kid Lucas who looks so excited, this is good for their business, I'll promote these bracelets so she can have all the meals in the world.

"Oh um okay" she says as she packs all of them

"Take your time, it gives me more time to look at you" i respond, I couldn't help it, she was so god damn angelic looking. She looked so pure and precious. I loved that.

She nervously giggles and avoids looking at

"Your buying all of those bracelets WOW, why
would you?" She asks

"For my nieces and nephews" I respond, my
mood becoming shit again. "Here you go" I give her a very generous note

which her eyes widen, before she could complain and ask me to take change back I take the bag and proceed to walk off.

I giggle as I join my mother and Ally whilst they're at the other stalls, I can see how the girl is so stressed out with the amount of money I just gave her.

More children gather around her, I guess they see her as a protector in this village because they always run and hug her, it makes me smile, this girl is so pure, she works hard, she's sitting in this heat selling self made bangles with a beautiful gummy smile on her face.

I'm going to make sure I buy some more tomorrow.

A/N: Unchecked; I'm lazy af

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