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Y/n's Pov

"You tell me where you have been for the past 2 days Y/n Curtis" my mother growls

"Out" I respond with zero effort and shrug

"Out, where out?" She asks with her hand on her hips

"You know in Los Angeles?" I ask knowing I'm angering her even more

"I don't know what has gotten into you, we came here so you can get to know Lily and you know nothing about her Y/n" my mother says trying to calm down

"Her name is Lily, she has boobs" I respond with another shrug, my mother hates when I shrug.

My mother gasps at my comment and then slaps my arm

"Y/n I didn't raise you to talk like that" my mother says as she swats my arm again

"Listen mum I don't think I'm the one for Lily" I say as I try and get myself out of this.

"Don't you dare say that, you haven't even spent time getting to know her and second of all if you do that you will mess up our business, Lily's father and your father have signed the contracts" my mother growls


"Okay she can sleep in the basement then" I respond with a shrug and then erupt into laughter knowing I'm provoking my mother

"Stop it! stop that now, you and Lily are gonna go to the village together to go and collect the dress I gave to the tailors, it was too long for me" my mother says

Damn, I'm not doing that. I don't want Billie to see me with Lily. Not happening at all

"No" I respond

"That's it I'm calling your father, I can't deal with your sudden attitude" she says as she walks out

Wow what a snitch. I love my mum but that's what she does, she's up my dads buthole a bit too much. She needs his approval for everything.

"What's going on?" My father steps in

"Nothing" i say as I lean back on the headboard of the bed

"Your mum says you don't want to marry Lily" he says as he sits on the bed, my mother standing beside him.

"I don't but it's not like you guys give a shit about what I want" I say with sudden attitude and confidence to speak up to my parents

"I actually don't, I've raised you provided you a roof on your head and food on your plate, so your gonna marry that girl, don't even try to guilt trip me, enough going out, your gonna spend your last month with that girl Lily" he says as he walks out not bothering to argue with me.

I growl and anger begins to boil up inside of me, what the fuck does he mean no more going out. I need to see Billie tomorrow morning I need to kiss her and tell her I love her. Or just watch her giggle and laugh or make a snarky remark about me.

I need to buy that woman a phone for sure, then I can call her and just tell her how I want her in my bed, in my arms and that she won't ever be hurt again because I'm gonna take all her misery away.

Instead I'm gonna end up breaking her heart and I should of distanced from her a long time ago but now I can't, I'm stuck, I need her, I think about her with every breath I take, it might be so sudden but she's impacted me like fucking crazy.

There is no woman like Billie Eilish, No woman ever.

I hope the kids go to school at least, that's when I walk to the rooftop and I see Harry on his bike.


I shout for him to stop and then I write a note.

"Post that to Billie" I throw it out of the window and he catches it

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