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Billie’s Pov

“Fuckkk Y/n” I cry out as she pumps her thick shaft into me, fuck I don’t think I can get used to her size, it’s like she has a third leg.

“I am making up for the whole year I didn’t get to fuck my woman” she breathes out, her eyes staring into mine, I can’t help but pull her closer and peck her lips, her tongue matches her thrusts as she dominates our kiss.

After finally reaching our high’s we lay back catching our breaths, she grabs a remote and sits up on the headboard.

“Come here baby” she says as she taps her thigh, crawling over to her I lay in her arms, my fingers stroke her thighs and she digs her face into my neck, I hear her inhaling me, it makes me giggle.  Thank God- I mean  thanks to Ken’s Lactose Intolerance, she texted Lia to take her home earlier. I don’t want them to hear us fuck.

“I am sweating we just had three rounds” I say through a laugh

“You smell so fucking good baby” she murmurs huskily into my neck, her tongue slowly licks my earlobe and then she bites onto it.

“You smell like home” she whispers, it makes me breathing hitch, I feel my arms develop goosebumps just from her voice, the power Y/n has over me is insane.

I have no idea how to respond to that so I turn and smile at her, letting her know I love her immensely. Her forehead presses against mine and her fingers stroke my cheek as she gently kisses me. There’s no fakeness or doubts I have about Y/n.

I believe her, I trust her, I will always love her she has my heart until she doesn’t want it no more.

I hope she doesn’t get bored of me, I’m a plain girl from the village, I’m 22 and I just learnt how to cook. There’s so many girls the rich Y/n Curtis can have yet she’s here, In my bed, kissing me, holding me like I’m about to break any second.

Right now I shouldn’t let my insecurities get to me, Y/n just got revenge for me, she built this whole village into something extraordinary and put it on my name. There’s no way I should even doubt her. But I feel like I’m not good enough for her. I’ll never be good enough. But all the other girls can fuck off because she’s mine.

Wow that didn’t sound like me. Wow I can’t believe I would actually be so petty if someone tried to flirt with Y/n.

“Hey what’s on your mind, you’ve zoned out” Y/n breaks me out of my thoughts

“Nothing, it’s just, your mine” I say turning to her

“I know I’m yours” she chuckles, watching me in amusement, she must think I’ve got a weird brain.

“Okay because I was thinking that if anyone else ever flirts on you in front of me, I would probably play would you rather with them, and chop their hands off too” I say to her causing her to erupt into laughter “Mmh mmh, you love me that much do you?” she says her eyes full of love, her hands run through my hair, I love her even more than that.

“I love you a bit too much, I think it’s unhealthy” I chuckle

“If anyone was to flirt with you, I’d grab you and shove my tongue down your throat infront of them so they know not to come near you again, and then you see your neck, I’m gonna leave my marks all over you, just so no one can touch you, your too pretty I should make you walk around with a mask on” she suggests,

I don’t believe the pretty statement to an extent, I’m okay I guess but I know Y/n loves me regardless.

“I think everyone knows our story, they wouldn’t dare to touch us” I smile

“Very true, no one touches us or our four kids, I’ll make sure I’ll protect you guys until I die, but I think Lucas is getting ginormous, he’sgonna take over soon” it’s true I was shocked at how tall lucas grew over a
Year? Wow he’s becoming big.

I love nights like this were Y/n and I talk about anything, we could talk about anything and it would be perfect.

Y/n presses the remote button and a TV starts rising from the draw. What the fuck.

“Huh?” I’ve never seen such a thing,
Wow I’m so poor because Y/n’s so casual.

“What do you wanna watch?” She asks me

“Um I don’t know anything about TV” I shrug

“Lets just watch Euphoria, I’m sure your gonna love it” she says

“I made kenzie watch frozen and she’s obsessed with it”she added

“That’s why she’s always singing that song” I giggle because Kenzie sings literally all the time now. Now I wanna see the movie Y/n got Kenzie hooked on because Kenzie isn’t allowed to watch it unless she does her homework now.

“LET IT GOO00, LET IT GOOO CANT HOLD IT BACK ANYMOOOORE” Y/n attempt to sing it makes me erupt into fits of laughter

“Hey hot spice, leave the singing to kenzie okay” I say as I block Y/n’s mouth.

That doesn’t stop her though, she continuous singing as loud as possibleand I can’t help but laugh at how silly Y/n is sometimes.

Damn I do love her... a lot


A/N: This story is coming to an end   Dunnn dun dun dun !

Hope y’all like this chapter

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