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Y/n’s Pov

I haven’t slept at all, not a blink. Calling my brother, I told him everything that happened.

I cried for hours while speaking to him,
He told me he’s flying out. There’s a hotel close by so that’s okay.

I don’t even realise it’s morning time until I hear a knock. It’s Greg.

“Morning daughter in law, ready for your big day” he says with a smile, a huge smile directly on his face..

“Are you ready for your big day?” I smile
Back, a wicked smile that shows I am up to something. “Whatever you plan on doing, remember my men are around” he sings to mock me

“Right now it’s me and you though Greg” | say standing up

“No right now it’s me, you and this gun”
He pulls out from his pocket “Shoot me, you need me for fucking money, but if I’m dead, I’ll be with my beautiful Billie” I shrug

“Wow, you didn’t think that your parents are in the other room, the kids are in that village, once you go, they all go, it’s
Simple” he smirks, knowing he has won
This battle pisses me off. Not for fucking Long

Blinking I notice Billie standing there, she’s smiling at me, her gummy smile ever so beautiful and her eyes look at me with all the love in the world, suddenly my lips curve into the happiest smile it’s ever been in, she’s here.

Blinking again she’s gone, my heart tears into hundreds of pieces when I notice I was imagining her there. My motivation is her. I won’t let Greg win.

“Smile all you want Curtis, I always get my way, I’ve killed hundreds of people with my bare hands that have decided to fuck with my money” he says grinning

“With your bare hands?” I ask, disgust hitting me, what a creep

“With my bare hands and you know what, once it was a girl, a teenager, she borrowed money from my daughter, she went to school with her actually, and suddenly she ran away from home, I don’t know maybe her parents were abusing her?, moral of the story is, I couldn’t give a fuck, you never run away with my money, I found that little whore, strangled her to death, believe me she cried and said sorry to me but like I said money is money” Greg says shrugging

“Do you ever wonder if their ghosts follow you and haunt you” I ask him

“I don’t fear anything” he whispers then
Pulls me to go to their back yard, I see
Lily there in tears, then she hugs me,
Not hugging her back, I feel sick, nobody
Should hug me unless it’s Billie.

Billie is probably watching me right now
And in tears.

“The wedding papers are fake, I changed it” she whispers

I get off and look at her questioningly

“The priest is fake?” I asked questioningly then realising the priest is HARRY in disguise.

“Everything is fake, but dad doesn’t know, I’m sorry this happened to you” she sincerely says, why the fuck did I judge Lily so much. If anything I’ve noticed a big change in her behaviour andnher attitude.

Hugging Lily I breathe heavily “Thank you so much” I whisper

Then the fake wedding happened, Lia
And Ken run into my arms, they’ve been here this whole time..

Hugging me in tears, I somehow break down in their arms.

“Daddy since Y/n and I are married we want to stay in the hotel” Lily says with
A grin, she sounds like her old self now.

“What? Why?” He asks

“It’s our wedding night, we want some
Privacy” Lily says with a smile

He passes a gun to her “You know what to do if anything happens” he looks at her and she nods. “Y/n were also staying in the hotel do you think she’ll let us hang out” Lia asks

“I’ve decided to change the village, make
A charity organisation in Billie’s name & give everyone their better life styles” I tell the girls “We are so in” Ken adds

“Count me in too” a voice from behind
Caused us all to turn


“BRO” I run and hug him as I burst into tears again

“Were gonna do this for Billie, I don’t know her but she sounds heaven sent, that village and all those kids are gonna live lavish from today, lets do this now, I got my men here” Geo adds

“I need to check up on Lucas, Kenzie, Rue, Madison and Sam they all haven’t eaten since last night when I force fed them” Lily claims

“You met the kids?” I ask her, shock evident

“Y/n, I want to be a better person, I feel good being a good person, let me help you” she says with tears in her eyes, I can’t be mad at her.

“We all are in this together” I whisper, then leaving the hotel we all travel to the village, finding Zoe, she sits in the corner, she’s missing Billie because she looks so lost, tears hitting her eyes & she looks deep in thought.All the men follow us to the village

“I’m sorry” I whisper

“It’s not your fault, Billie said she wasn’t mad at you so what right do I have to be mad at you” Zoe says with tears streaming her eyes

“I promise I never meant for any of this to happen I just loved her & all I wanted was her I promise” I drop my face in my hands

“Billie would of wanted you to take care of the kids, just do that Y/n” she whispers

“I need to check up on them” I whisper as I stand up and then walk towards their house, nobody is home apart from Kenzie.

And she’s crying like crazy. I tell the others to wait whilst I speak to her alone. She’s a little child and my heart aches seeing her cry like this. Her bottom lip quivers and her nose runs grabbing tissue I clean her face and then. Pull her on my lap and hug her..

“Why are you home alone Kenzie?” I ask her

“The boys went to work” Kenzie says, gasping I look at her confused

“Went to work? What where do they work?” I ask her worried, they’re little children they shouldn’t be working and leaving Kenzie alone during this time.

“I don’t know but Lucas shoes are ripped and they come home with dirty hands and Casper had blood on his feet but they won’t tell me what they do” she sobs

“It’s okay I’m here” I sigh as I kiss her forehead

“I miss Billie, I can’t sleep without her Y/n” her cute voice suddenly says causing my eyes to water

“Hey remember when we went out for Christmas and you said that you were a princess and your Billie Unnie is a butterfly” I say trying to cheer her up

“Mmh” she wipes her tears

“That butterfly there next to your window, that’s her watching you, so every time you see a butterfly, just remember it’s Billie” I tell her, she giggles and sits up in shock.

“Oh my god Billie  is such a pretty butterfly” she chuckled, thank god she’s calmed down “Isn’t she just, and you know Billie  hates when we’re sad, we stay happy for her okay” I say as I move her hair from her face and then tuck her in bed.

“Okay Y/n, are you going to ever leave us as well?” She asks me

Smiling I stroke her little messy hair.

“Never ever”



This is getting really sad but I'm not sorry y'all LMAO

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