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A/n: Y'all might hate me for this but I'm sorry I'm advance<3

Y/n’s Pov

My chest is aching if anything I would rather shoot myself for being in this shit situation.

“Shoot me Y/n” Billie screams to me as she points the gun that’s in my hand. Towards her, tears streaming to her eyes

“I can’t” I whisper, the rain hits us but nobody cares, her small frame covered in water and her hair dampening, her beautiful features even more beautiful. My tears stream eventually turning into sobs.

“I have made sure every single day I take care of those kids, nothing can happen to them is that understood, shoot me now, if you don’t I’ll never forgive you” Billie says as she lifts the gun to her head, I stare at her as my tears stream insanely, the love of my life has gone through this because of me.

“Dad please let it go” I hear Lily crying

“Shut up woman” he responds as he uses  his hands to shut her out.

“Y/n FUCKING SHOOT ME” Billie screams, my hand shakes on the gun, everyone in the village watches in tears, everyone is helpless here and especially me.

“I love you okay, I know this isn’t your fault I’m sorry I was mad at you okay, don’t for a second think that I’ve died with negative thoughts about you, you’re the best thing that’s happened to me Y/n, shoot me please” she whispers as she caresses my face resulting into me sobbing in her hands

“I love you so much, I’m so sorry I did this to you” I whisper “Shoot me, I can’t take the kids being that scared, take care of them okay”

“Promise I will”

Shakingly I hold the gun, and aim lower, finally I pull the trigger and shoot, my mind went blank as Billie plops in my arms, blood oozing out of her body.

She's dead.

The love of my life is dead

I killed her.

I don’t know what else to fucking do but

Scream my lungs out like a mad man, I killed her, I fucking killed her.

Before knew it Greg’s men pull me by my arms as I try to fight and shove me in the car.

The kids were set free but Billie’s dead body was there laying on the floor and I did that. I’ll never forgive myself for this, my chest aches.

Arriving into their house I scream none stop not caring if anyone kills me anymore, I killed the best thing that has ever happened to me, what the fuck is my purpose for living in this world?

The poor kids.

Screaming out her name none stop I see her ghost watching me in every corner I look at.

“After your mental break down your gonna marry Lily, isn’t that exciting?” Greg says as he shakes my head.

“Where the fuck are my parents?” | growled

“They are in the other car, they’ll be here shortly, god I didn’t kill them? I’m not a monster. You’re the monster, you killed the love of your life” Greg says in hysterical fits of laughter

Growling I run up to attack him but I’m pulled down by 4/5 big fat fucking gorillas.

Even with them on me they still couldn’t handle the mental break down I was having until I was tazed, they fucking tazed me.

Then they carried me and threw me on the rooftop

“Don’t think about killing yourself, we’ll kill your parents and those kids Curtis” the beefy guy says to me. I’m bleeding all over my face, my lips, my  Eye has a cut on it after being thrashed by those men. Yet my chest hurts the fucking most.

“Billie I’m so sorry, you didn’t deserve
This, you lived for others, you’re the best
Person I know yet your ending was the
Worse, I’ll get justice for you I promise” | whisper as I shake in tears.

“I’ll make sure your legacy lives on forever” I fiddle with the bracelet she gave me, gently kissing it, she made this with her heart, with so much love.

Getting my phone out, it’s cracked, still usable but it’s smashed, it has to do.


Y/n: Billie’s dead

Ken: oh my god Y/n, what happened are you okay?

Y/n: I’ll never be okay

Lia: Be strong Y/n, me and ken are gonna fly to LA tonight, we got you okay

Y/n: I killed her

Ken: you wouldn’t do that you love her

Y/n: goodbye

Lia: we’ll be here by tomorrow morning Y/n, please stay strong.


I ignore the constant knocking of my parents trying to talk to me, including Lily’s mother who had become my mother’s best friend over these past two months.

So it’s Greg against everyone?

Fuck him.

I keep seeing Billie’s blood on my hands, I’m losing my fucking mind, screaming and growling like insane I constantly stand at the sink and wash my hands, it somehow won’t go.

Her blood will forever be on my hands, today is the day Y/n Curtis and Billie Eilish are both dead.

I may be breathing but inside I’m dead. I’m nothing without her.

A/N: Sorry not sorry!

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