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Y/n's Pov

Just as I left Billie's, I made sure she had eaten something then I drove back home. We argued about me getting her a phone but I won that argument.

As soon as I enter the house,Lily tries  to talk to me but I've just come back from Billie and I feel really happy so I don't want to talk so I excuse myself and rush to the bedroom.

Once I'm in my bedroom my mum is sitting there with her arms crossed and a red face showing her anger.

"Can I help you?" I say with confusion

"I saw you kissing that village girl, you ran to her I saw you Y/n with my own two eyes, that's where you have been sneaking off too" she says growling, tears nearly forming out of her eyes

"Why the hell are you crying mom?" I ask

"Because you have a fiancé, you'll be marrying Lily soon and you sneak to the village to take advantage of a poor girl" she says to me which results in me smashing the lamp on the side of my table, my mum squeals in fear

"YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT BILLIE AND I, I would never fucking take advantage of her, I'm in love with her" I point at my mother who looks at me in shock, shocked that I fell for someone who isn't rich and gonna make their business grow.

Yeah fell for Billie and it was out of my control, she stole my heart and it isn't possible to go back from it.

"I know you love her" my mother whispers which makes me look back at her in surprise

"I saw the way you ran to her, you held her and kissed her, I've never seen you look at someone like that" my mother whispers

Now my heart aches, I really haven't opened up my heart that much to anyone, I've always been slightly distanced, but Billie I can't go a day without seeing her, that's crazy isn't it.

"What do I do mom" I whisper

My mum wraps her arms around me and breaks down in tears. I wrap my arms around her and hug her back as I know she understands what I'm going through.

"Your dad won't allow this" she says

"I love her mom,  I can't marry Lily" I respond, helpless.

"I know I know" she says trying to calm me down.

"We need to somehow stop this wedding from happening then" my mother says

"Are you serious?" My eyes widened with shock and a smile forming on my face

"Hey I know true love when I see true love, she's beautiful Y/n" my mother says with a smile a genuine one that makes me mirror hers.

She is beautiful. She's like a living dream, my happiness is Billie and I've realised that now, she's opened up my heart and the fact that my mum can even see how much I love her speaks levels.

Billie's Pov

I woke up early and left to work at the stall today, Y/n isn't here again and honestly it feels like shit not having her around but I guess it is what it is.

"Bil" it's Que,

"Yeah?" I ask not wanting to start trouble

"I miss you how are you?" He asks me, I don't know if he's up to something but I wanna be away from him.

"I'm okay Sev, just the normal" I say "I found out some shit about Y/n you wanna hear this" he says to me as he walks closer to me

"Listen Que, i really don't have time to listen to gossip or any sort of drama, leave me alone I'm tired, it's early in the morning and your being fucking annoying" i groan, I've never spoke like this to him so he looks at me shocked.

"Just gotta say your hearts gonna get broke and don't say I didn't warn you" he says as he walks away.

Fucking jerk, he has been obsessed with mine and Y/n's relationship, weather we're dating or not he's been trying to find out and it's annoying. Why can't he just leave me alone.

He used to Love it when I used to chase him but now I'm not it's bothering him a lot.

After a hards day work at the stall I go to the tailors, there's the evil woman.

"My dress?" She asks with the most attitude

"Yeah it's here" respond as pass it to her, she snatched it and the two elder woman, one I recognise from the last time she came and the other one I haven't seen before.

"Yeah think it's fine" the girl says trying to look for something to scream at me about.

"Lily be a bit nice, I'm sure my daughter's gonna love that dress when she seet you wearing it." the other woman says

"Why? We paid her extra for this, it's her job Aunty, here's your money and  She needs to love this because she's the one who force me to "try something out of the ordinary"" Lily chucks the money at me and I sigh back and not bother to collect it.

They proceed to walk out but the other woman stays back and bends down to collect the money she dropped.

"No no no it's okay don't worry" I say as try to stop her from bending down, it's disrespectful and I feel bad.

"Here you go" she smiles at me genuinely and I take the money quietly from her hand and then she cups my face.

"You did an amazing job" she says to me as she walks out in a rush, I sigh with confusion. That woman looks at me so curiously and with so much respect.

Compared to Lily and her mom.

I smile at her nice gesture, I have 100% made enough for the Christmas gifts this year.

A/N: 50 votes for the next chapter:)

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