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Billie's Pov

The whole week Y/n would sneakishly kiss me or find a way to wrap her arms around me, I can't say I didn't enjoy it because I fucking did, I found myself blushing continuously, I craved her presence everyday and I hated when she had to go. The next morning I had woken up to do my regular routine, I got ready and smiled as I hear Y/n's  bike..

"It's 6:55 hurry up woman" Y/n shouts from outside, I open the door and walk out with a laugh, I feel good today, Y/n's here and she looks so beautiful today she's just wearing a plain white vest, her body looks so good, I can't help but admire how gorgeous she looks.

Today whille working I sat and watched Y/n work instead, while I  sit creating more bracelets, people like to watch me make them, it convinces them to buy them more. I smile as Y/n begins promoting how good my bracelets are, people can't help but smile as Y/n talks to them it makes me adore her so much.

I've watched Y/n become a different person as she's been here, she walked in here a rich high profiled girl to someone who's calm, humble and more hard working, I didn't think she would be consistent with coming everyday but she has.

I never used to look forward to work until Y/n came, I didn't even look forward to waking up in the morning, most mornings I would cry with exhaustion, then I'd wash my face so that nobody sees me cry.

Better days will come for me, everything happens for a reason and I know my parents watch me and that's the only reason why I always try to smile, because my parents hated when I used to cry. I miss them a lot, I hate being sad, my chest hurts and my breathing feels tight, I try my best to not cry, I can't cry right now.

That's my problem, I randomly have moments where I get flash backs of my parents and I break down. I'm tired of this lifestyle.. "You okay Bil?"

Y/n says which breaks me out of my thoughts. "Oh yeah I'm fine" i reply as I flash her a smile, she doesn't buy it because she looks at me with worry.

"What's on your mind, you can talk to me you know" Y/n says as she sits next to me.

"I'm just tired" I respond with a smile, my breath cutting off, I hate when your asked what is wrong, it makes you want to cry more. "Tomorrow I say you take a day off, I'll take care of the stall" Y/n says as she nudges my arm

"Are you crazy? No Y/n" i say as I look at her, she said she's only here for two months, I'm not gonna let her spoil me so that I get used to her good treatment then for her to leave and make me feel shattered again.

On top of that she said she will come back but she isn't even living in her own house she's living in her dads business partners house, so how can I trust that she'll always be around. I can't fall for her no matter how hard it is not to.

"Billie, your tired, you fall asleep late and wake up early and you sit in the heat making bracelets, then you go home to take care of four children, I'll drop the money off when I'm done I promise" Y/n tries to convince me but I sigh, why is she so good to me, nobody would ever do that for me, Que doesn't even have a stall and he hasn't ever offered, he has older siblings who work for him.

"We agreed that you wouldn't give me any money, I told you if you want to give your money give it to the others, they need it, I didn't stop you from giving money to the children, I just told you not to give it to me, are we not fucking clear?" I say not raising my voice but with a strict tone.

"I just don't fucking understand, why do you have so much pride, just let me help you out, that's all I'm fucking asking for, explain to me WHY you won't allow me to just fucking at least buy you a house" she says through anger.

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