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Y/n’s Pov

“You okay baby?” I ask Billie, we are sitting in my private jet, she’s only 2 months pregnant so luckily she’s allowed to fly.

We needed this trip, BILLIE AND I NEED ALONE TIME. I can tell she’s nervous about flying but when I asked if we should cancel our trip she refused

Massively. “I’m fine, are you nervous about flying?” She asks me whilst she lifts up the arm rest and snuggles in my chest, my arms wrap around her as I kiss her head.

“No I’ve flied too many times, it’s fine, have you ever heard of the phrase ‘most accidents happen on the ground’?”

“Nope I haven’t” she responds, I chuckle and try to distract her because I can see how nervous she is about flying for the first time.

Once the plane takes off, she holds me tight. “Are we done yet?” She asks me, her
Eyes shut tight as her legs grip wrap around me. Chuckling I lift her chin up

“Open your eyes, look outside the window, we’re in the air” I tell her, opening her eyes she gasps as she crawls over me and looks outside the window.

“Wow it’s so beautiful” she whispers.

Putting my finger inbetween her cleavage I smirk “It sure is” realising what I was doing she took my finger out and lightly swats my hand.


Throughout the journey Billie and I talked about her parents, her family and our baby.
We had very friendly arguments about the name of the baby and I didn’t stop kissing her. I can’t believe I’m taking her to my motherland, my home. Singapore.

I haven’t gone back since I came to LA and fell in love with Billie, she became my home & now I am gonna show my new and forever home my old home.Then she falls asleep on my chest I hold her tight so she can sleep comfortably whilst putting a blanket on her, there’s a bed inside this jet but I know if move her she’ll get all cranky. Besides I like her on me.


Billie doesn’t even realise that we’ve landed, neither did I to be honest, we both slept a lot. Waking her up lightly by tapping her, she groans as I try to wake her up.

God she’s such a baby sometimes, she wouldn’t of done that when I first met her, pregnancy has 100% taken over her because she hates when I wake her up. I love waking her up, I get to kiss her and bite her to annoy her even though she isn’t actually annoyed. I love her so much it hurts.

Lifting her face I peck her pouty lips as I cup her face and trace her lip with my thumb, a sloppy smirk rises on her beautiful lips, I swear I could melt right now, she’s a real life angel. I don’t deserve her, she isn’t real.

She bites my thumb playfully which shocks me but her eyes open more, then she gets up, Pablo my bodyguard takes the luggage’s already and we get on a mini helicopter to get to my private island.

The whole time Billie made me take pictures of everything she was shocked & it made me laugh and feel insanely proud with the fact that she was lost for words. I love that she was genuinely so happy, a pat on my shoulder for that.

So much more good stuff is coming for her and she doesn’t even know half of it.

Landing I take Billie’s hand out of the plane and I show her around, I throw her on my back so I can piggy back her, I don’t want wifey getting too tired.

“Here you can relax, eat whatever you want” I explain to her

“No ones here? Like are you sure?” She asks nervously

“You don’t believe me?” I chuckle

“It’s just I’m still a bit surprised that’s all” she responds

To convince her, I unbutton my belt, her eyes widen as she watches me take my clothes off until I’m completely naked.

“Oh my god” she gasps

“Are you saying that because my dick’s big or because you want to get naked too” I laugh as I walk towards her and slowly put my hand up her back unclipping her bra, she just looks at me shocked.

Then I slowly undress her and she lets me until she’s completely naked. Then pick her up, and run to the water, in hysterical fits of laughter as she screams and grips onto me.

Our first night was pure bliss, we had so much fun already, I made sure I took photographs of her every second, not even for her, for me, to remember this moment.

I took her back home with me, it feels unreal.

She’s carrying my child.


I feel bad for not giving y’all an update so here’s a chapter:(

Do y’all recommend any stories I should write?

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