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Y/n's Pov

I'm back home now, my dad has been lecturing me for the past hour, my mother on the other hand  isn't saying anything which surprised me. She understands me and I never thought this day would come. My mum approves of Billie, this doesn't benefit her business and it doesn't make her get anything from this yet she accepts Billie.

I know my mum can see what I saw in Billie for sure, that pure beauty, her big heart and literally everything about her.

I could write a fricking book about how selfless this woman is. She prioritises others over herself and that's why Y/n Curtis is here to prioritise her.

I meant it when I said that there's no way in hell that the beds was a big enough gift, she doesn't know that she's changed me for the better, she's made me become more humble, more understanding and more greatful for what I have.

Now I generally know that there's people in this world who don't have what I have, I want to change that whole village up because I know Billie won't accept just her house being changed, she knows others are going through hell as well.

That's my aim this year, to put funding into fixing the village and getting a bunch of my workers in the company to come and help me fix the village up. Billie won't know it's me if I get someone else to do it.


Shopping and going to check out venues for our wedding is fucking exhausted especially when it's a wedding that I'm not excited about.

My dad can see how shit I'm feeling about this hence why he's rushing the wedding now, how fucking great. How the fuck am I gonna explain this to Billie.

She's gonna hate me, forever.

She doesn't even deserve this, maybe if I stop seeing her it will make this better, so from today I'm gonna give myself a week away from her. If I distance from her maybe she will grow to lose love for me, I hate that I fucking have to do this.

I couldn't help myself when I met her, it was too hard to stay back, for real I wish she knew that I would do anything for her and that I didn't mean to do this to her.

I hate this, I fucking hate this.


"Hello Y/n? I said the red dress or the black dress?" Lily asks me as she holds up two dresses

"I couldn't give a shit" I shrugged and my dad gasped

"Y/n you do not speak to your wife this way" my dad growls at me Not responding and keeping my anger in has become normal for me, so like normal I walk away with my fist clenched.

"Y/n, you agreed to marry me so stop acting like it's my fault your not happy, you should've said something months back, yet you didn't so suck it up and don't give me attitude" Lily snaps as she walks past me

Weather I said no or yes, my parents would have forced me into this so what the fuck does Lily think she's talking about.

Reaching the counter, I angrily tap my card as the woman packs her dress.

"For the record, I didn't act like it was your fault and neither did I give you attitude, I just don't want to pretend I'm excited about marrying you? Because I'm fucking not, so don't try and give me attitude you stupid woman" I say as Lily grabs the bag

"Thank you, here's a tip" I say as I give the woman a note, she smiles, a little too flirty with me which goes noticed by lily.

"That's my fiancé darling, I don't know why you think you have a chance with her when you haven't even got a front tooth and your working in retail, get a life loser" The girls face dropped, she covered up her smile and gave me the receipt.

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