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chapter fifty one
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┍━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━┑chapter fifty oneEVERYTHING'S COMPLICATED ┕━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━┙

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Athena jumped off of her bike when she arrived at her destination, propping it up where she usually left it. She looked around seeing it basically empty. The girl furrowed her eyebrows, walking inside when she heard a voice.

"Athena?" The girl spun around to face Heyward, Pope next to him, both staring at her, confused. "Are you okay?"

Athena looked between the father - son duo, seeing the genuine concern written across both their faces before she broke down, stepping forward and into their arms. The two quickly caught her, wrapping their arms around her in comfort.

The girl sobbed. She didn't even know why this time, she thought she had used up all of her tears, that she would have none left but apparently not. Maybe she was crying because her brother did still love her? Maybe she was crying because she knew that Wheezie was getting used to being left when she wasn't supposed to? Maybe she was crying because her family had never shown the same about of concern for her than the Heywards just did? She couldn't pinpoint it exactly.

Athena stepped out of the hug, wiping her eyes as Heyward walked away, knowing she wanted some time with Pope.

"I can't do this anymore, Pope." Athena shook her head. "When did this get so complicated."

The two wandered down to the dock outside Heyward's shop, both staring out at the water.

"I mean this started out as some treasure hunt between friends for gold we couldn't even be sure existed and..." Athena sighed. "And now, look at where we are now. I mean we found the gold and everything went shit."

Athena moved so she was now in front of Pope, pacing across the wood floor they were stood on.

"Yeah, I guess there were some good things. Sarah found John B but I'm pretty sure she's gone to break up with him and me and JJ are now together, but who's to say that me and him wouldn't have happened anyway, I mean I was friends with you and JJ told me he's had a crush on me since we were twelve so all he needed to do was speak to me." Athena ranted, throwing her hands up into the air.

"But you know let's talk about the bad things." Athena began to list as Pope stood quietly, listening to her and letting her let all of her emotions out. "I mean Sherriff Peterkin was killed, Rafe shot her. I was there, I held John B's bandana to her wound and Rafe pulled me off of her dying body and she told me it wasn't my fault but I mean I could've..."

Athena paused her movements, placing her hands over her eyes before wiping her face. "I could've done something."

Athena wiped her face once more before continuing, "And after that Sarah and John B died! I mean I still have Sarah's mini memorial on my roof for god's sake! And then after that Sarah was shot, once again by my brother, and she almost died. You were kidnapped, Kie and I nearly drowned. I was shot, I was disowned and then I was welcomed back and John B nearly got sentenced to death and the Rafe got arrested and then my dad blew up in front of me and Dorota's gone! And... and... I can't."

PAPER RINGS | jj maybank [COMPLETED UNTIL SEASON FOUR]Where stories live. Discover now