Not an Update

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Sorry guys, this isn't an update. I know, an ass of a move after disappearing for well over a few months. I have a reason, I swear.

That being said, I'm stuck, heavily stuck. 

I've been rereading the entire story as a whole as well as the 75% finished next chapter and the only thought I have is I could have done so much better with this. The details aren't where I want them to be, I don't feel like I'm telling the version I want with this story. Not to mention, I rarely throw in any sort of character buildup that isn't basic movie storyline. 

When I first started writing this, I had full intentions of branching out between each movie to make up my own subplots and extra bits of the entire Universe. Which I believe all of you would have greatly appreciated, instead of the 'throw a new character into the plotline'. 

At the beginning, I had plans that would have doubled the amount of current chapters and some characters would have been in a much better place by the point its at now. I even mentioned after AoU was finished I planned on keeping Pietro alive, yet I gave up that idea at the drop of a hat because I wrote two chapters with him gone still. 

The point of this, which some of you may not like, is at the current state this story is in...

 I need to rewrite. 

That doesn't mean I'm deleting this story, this version will stick around until the rewrite is completely finished. 

In order to feel comfortable in fully telling the story of Alrina Boldyreva, she needs to be revisited and touched up. Her character interactions need looked at closer, her personality as a whole needs more work as well as her relationships all together. As well as implementing things I was not fully comfortable with at the start of this story. (Yes, that includes explicit chapters) 

I'm sorry for not being able to continue this version of the story, but I hope all of you that have stuck through the story so far will visit the rewrite when it's posted.

Gemini (BEING REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now