Moving Forward with You. [71]

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Y/N's POV.

I leaned back against laughing at something Travis said.

"I'm serious, Justin you need to get your shit together."

Justin waved him off and shrugged. "Man don't worry bout me. I know what I'm doing, how about you worry about you and the 5 different women you have pregnant right now."

My mouth dropped open as I looked between Travis and Justin.

Travis shook his head. "Fuck you Justin. Your ass play too much, you know it's not 5."

I guess he was mad, cause his ass didn't say shit else. I chuckled to myself as I leaned back in the chair watching these two fools play the game.

"Yo Y/N, you know Josh actually asked about you the other day."

What the hell? No way in the world I believe that shit. Last time I seen him, he wanted to act like he was gonna beat my ass or something.

"Mm for real?"

I wasn't at all interested in what he had to say about it. But that was still his brother, so while I'm over her I just pretend.

Justin looked over at me and nodded before putting his attention back on the tv. "Yeah. So I don't understand why y'all aren't talking, it's childish as hell and all over Amanda's ass? Hell no, that bitch is not worth the fucking headache and that's what I keep telling Josh ass."

I let out a stiff laugh and sighed. "Look, I don't have nothing against your bother. He has a problem with me, he don't wanna believe shit I tried to tell him so it is what it is."

The last thing I'm gonna do is beg him to talk to me. Sure, I get why he would be upset but damn is it really that serious. She came on to me, and I pushed her away.

The end.

He's acting like I was fucking her behind his back or somethin'.

I sighed as I swirled around in the chair.

"But why does it have to be like that? Y'all have been friends for way too long, Amanda was wrong as shit for what she pulled."

I just shrugged and turned my attention away from him.

Travis then decided to put his two cents in. "I can't lie Justin's right on this. Everybody knows that Amanda has always had a secret crush on you."

I frowned hearing him say that shit. Because one who is everybody? Two, CRUSH, since when?

"Yeah, Y/N I see you look confused but I don't know why. Your ass must be dumb as fuck to not have seen it. But Josh he just didn't give a fuck. He knew too, just thought he could change her mind or some shit." Travis shrugged.

"Woww, alright I'll think about it. But as of right now, I got a lunch date." I said as I pushed myself up from the chair.

Justin smacked his lips and laughed. "Stop bullshitin' us man. If you don't want me to know just say that!"

I laughed and rolled my eyes at his stupid ass. "No I'm dead ass serious right now. Camila and I sorta worked shit out."

Yeah, completely forgot I ain't tell them shit.

"Again?!" Travis yelled with eyebrows raised.

I glared over at him and flipped him off.

"Aye that's a fair ass question. Because this is like the third time y'all have "worked things out"."

I shrugged making my way to the door. "And?"

"And, do you think it's really gonna workout this time? Like are you for real about being with her, or is it only cause of Royalty?"

OvEr YoU?{sequel to NoT oVeR yOu}Where stories live. Discover now