Good times with you. [43]

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"Costa Rica! Aww baby I love Costa Rica, it's one of my favorite vacation spots."

Nicki squealed into my ear as she basically threw her body on mine.

"I know babe. That's why I chose it. You know since you were to lazyyy to pick."

She just pouted up at me with her arms still tightly around my waist.

I grabbed her waist holding on as she flopped down onto the custom made bed.

Laying her down softly not wanting to hurt her I laid down beside her with her facing me.

She was looking at me like she could see right through me.

"Why you staring at me like that? You weirdo."

Still holding her stare on me she lifted her soft hand on my cheeks. "I'm just completely mesmerized."

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Aw babe I know I'm sexy as hell. I have that affect on people."

"No big head! I'm mesmerized by the fact that I got you. It really is  a dream come true."

I felt my face become hot and I quickly turned from her. I knew she would bitch me if she saw me blushing. I shook my head closing my eyes pretending like I fell asleep.

 I shook my head closing my eyes pretending like I fell asleep

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"Aawww Y/N. You are so adorable!"

My face straightened up and my eyes popped open. "Adorable? Baby, do I look like one of my kids?"

She giggled placing kisses on my face and down my neck. "Yeah you kinda do." She wrapped her arms around my neck hugging her body close to mine as she wrapped her legs over mine.

"Ugh hush up woman!"

She giggled as she ran her hands through my hair and over my face. I closed my eyes enjoying the feeling.


"Yeah?" I asked opening my eyes halfway.

"We should have brought Royalty with us."

I looked up so I could see her face and yep she was being serious.

"Babe, I left Royalty at home with Camila so she's all good. Besides this is supposed to be our time."

She pouted up at me and his her face in my shoulder. "I knowww but I miss her cute self."

"She misses you too Nic believe it or not she loves you."

Nicki bringing up Royalty made me think back to what Camila had said. She thinks something is off with Ro but I think I know my baby, and she doesn't see like anything is different to me. She's still the same hyperactive child that she's been. I think Camila is overreacting because she's still scared and nervous about Alex.

OvEr YoU?{sequel to NoT oVeR yOu}Where stories live. Discover now