Intro To My Life.

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1 year later

"So Y/N Brown, how has life been for you over this last year?"

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"So Y/N Brown, how has life been for you over this last year?"

I sighed as I stared at the interviewer who sat in front of me. Blinking and closing my eyes as the bright cameras flashed in my face.

"I know things have been difficult for you. But I just want to know how you're dealing with everything. Your fans really want to know if you're truly ok."

I shook my head without saying a word, and looking down at my fingers as I intertwined them. I took a deep breath before glancing back at the interviewer.

"Well you's been a struggle. Things have been hard but I'm definitely pulling through." I said giving out a quick, fake smile. It was something that I have gotten used to over this last year. I was staring to forget what it felt like to really smile.

"Are you and Camila on good terms or?"

"That's actually not something I want to discuss right now. But what I will say is, she's over me and I'm pretty much over her." I shrugged lazily this topic was one that I hated to talk about. Even though I knew it would still come up in almost every interview I did, it was still fresh. I'm just not ready to give out that kind of information.

So this is where the lies began. Lying to myself and lying to everyone around me. My life was nowhere near perfect. I was still suffering but I refused to show it.

This is my life now..




The sequel is finally out😌I hope you all enjoyed it! Be prepared for what's to come👀😁

***By the way you are the female version of Chris Brown...NOT Chris Brown.***

I guess I never really clarified that🤷🏻‍♀️butttttt you are g!p. So you may see pics and videos of Chris, just don't get confused. Okay? Okay.🙃


Thank you so much for reading/voting✨😌sorry for any mistakes..

I know it's short but you'll love the next chapter💖

How bad do you guys want the first chapter🤔

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