Unreal. [11]

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^^How cute is Royalty😭🥰


Y/N's POV {Two months later..}

Damn it felt good to be home, even if it is only for three months and then back into the studio I go.

After coming back from Las Vegas I flew back to one of my  new homes in Miami. Amber and the guys decided to come with us since they didn't feel like going back home yet. Which was more than cool with me. I really enjoyed their company and I'm glad I got to see them this long.

Because when I start back working I'm not sure if I'll be so lucky. But imma try my best not to shut them out anymore.

I walked up to the door of my house and unlocked it walking in with Ro in my arms.

"Whoa Momma, I not member dis place

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"Whoa Momma, I not member dis place."

I chuckled at Ro and nodded as I put her down on her feet. "I know, that's cause you were a small little baby the last time you were here."

I've been enjoying my time with Ro. These past couple of weeks have been the best. Spending one-on-one time with baby and getting closer to Nicki by the second. Thankful Ro still loves Nicki, she always asks me when she'll come around. Because honestly I thought she would have changed her mind by now and decided she hated her or something.

But she was going back home in a couple of days so I decided to bring her here and just relax.

She clapped and started bouncing on her feet. "Oh really momma! I was a small baby!"

I chuckled at how excited she got and nodded as I grabbed her hand. "You sure were. Super small and super cute. Just like now." 

Her giggles filled my ears making me smile.

"Aye Y/N we're all about to head down to the theater."

I looked back at Travis and nodded. "Alright cool. We might come down in a minute."

I spoke as my eyes never left the small child that was now bouncing around dancing in her own little world.

Royalty stopped as she looked up at the tv and back at me. "Hey momma?"


"Why mommy not stay wif us?"

There it goes, the million dollar question that she's been asking me for the past couple of days. After I got Royalty from Camila I haven't heard a thing from her.

OvEr YoU?{sequel to NoT oVeR yOu}Where stories live. Discover now