It is what it is. [2]

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Y/N's POV.

"India." I called out when I walked in the empty restaurant to see the curly haired girl sitting down a far away table.

She looked from the twins and gave a smile my way before standing up.

"Y/N. You finally made it."

I sighed softly as we sat back down. "Man I'm still sorry about that India. I didn't even realize I had went to sleep."

She waved me off. "I'm just joking with you Y/N don't worry about it. But we do need to have a talk."

I nodded at her before turning my attention to the twins who were just staring at me now.

"Hi my babies!" They both smiled showing off their small teeth.

"Hi my babies!" They both smiled showing off their small teeth

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{A/N : OMG!! Aren't they just too cute😭🥰}

"Ma-ma." Royce yelled as he slapped the table. Reign just stared up at me moving her mouth but nothing was coming out.  

It's super crazy how much they took after me. Like they have India's eyes and cute little freckles but other than that they're my twin.  When they were first born everybody was saying that they didn't look much like India and I never saw that until recently.

I smiled down at my beautiful kids and kissed their heads as I lifted both of them up from their booster seats.

"Aww I missed you guys so damn much." I said squeezing them closer to my chest.

It's been at least three week since I'd seen them. Too damn long if you ask me.

"Y/N." I heard India say sternly I knew she was talking about my language.

I rolled my eyes playfully and looked over at her. "My bad."

"Mmhm, don't let it happen again."

I smacked my lips as I continued bounce the twins on my lap. "Man imma try."

"You better try real hard."

I was busy playing with Reign and Royce was busy pulling on my hair I didn't even realize that India was sitting on her side taking pictures.

"Baby if you want pics of me all you had to do was say so." I said smirking at her knowing how aggravated she would get.

She groaned and put her phone down. "Ugh Y/N please hush, my babies are over there looking too cute. I couldn't resist." she said gushing over them and grabbing their cheeks.

OvEr YoU?{sequel to NoT oVeR yOu}Where stories live. Discover now