My peace [74]

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Camila's POV.

"Mommy! Me and momma made you some breakfast!"

I smiled as I walked downstairs to see Royalty sitting in her chair at the table.

Y/N popped her head from around the corner and smiled walked up to me

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Y/N popped her head from around the corner and smiled walked up to me. "Hi baby momma. Ro and I woke up super early, so we wanted to do something special for you."

I rolled my eyes at her and made my way over to my baby. "Aww everything looks amazing. Thank you so much." I reached over kissing Royalty's cheek.

She giggled loudly before picking up her cup. "Cheers mommy!"

Oh my goodness, how can she get any more adorable? I smiled picking up my own cup. "Cheers sweetheart."

As I hit my cup against hers softly, and watched her go back to her food and iPad.

"Here you are baby." Y/N's deep voice said into my ear.

I smiled and moaned feeling her lips hit my neck.

"Thank you baby." I said grabbing her face and pulling her closer to me. When our lips touched it was like heaven and I didn't want it to end.

Y/N pulled back and shook her head. "Mmm you know what kissing me like that does to me."

I nodded and bit down on my lip. "Mmhm I do know." I ran my hand down the front of her chest and winked.

She groaned moving away from me to sit down at the table. "What are your plans today babe?"

I shrugged as I tapped my fingers on the table. "Uhh I'm actually not sure. I mean I would say the studio but we both agreed I'd take a small break."

Ever since the whole me passing out due to dehydration and exhaustion. I promised her I would slow down. This was before we even discussed getting back together.

Y/N nodded. "Yeah I honestly need to get back in myself, but you do know that we have an indoor studio, right?"

"No, you have an indoor studio." I corrected with and sigh.

I could tell she didn't like that answer but it was the truth. This isn't my home, and we've talked about that too.

She mumbled something under her breath making me put my fork down and give her a look. "Excuse me, what was that Y/N?"

"Anyway, Royalty. What do you feel like doing today?"

Royalty looked from her iPad over to the both of us. "Hmmm-" she said with her finger tapping her chin. "I wanna go to the park!"

"The park?" Y/N and I asked at once. She literally goes to the park every other day.

"Ro we always go to the park baby."

Royalty shook her head and pointed. "Nu uh momma,  it the park with fun rides!"

Ohhh the amusement park.

OvEr YoU?{sequel to NoT oVeR yOu}Where stories live. Discover now