Unbelievable [63]

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Y/N's POV.

"Y/N I don't care, get up and get dressed right now."

I smacked my lips sitting up on the couch. "Babe, this is my day to relax."

"Oh well. We are supposed to be spending this time with our daughter if you can remember that and I have your kids here too."

Camila has been fussing with me over FaceTime for the last 10 minutes or so and she's just not giving in. But the guys were already somewhere knocked out and I was here relaxing.

"Y/N Brown?!"

"What?" I asked slowly looking at her face that was now all in the screen. Her eyebrows were raised up high.

"Have you been smoking?!"

I licked my lips and squinted my eyes at her. "Huh?"

"Oh don't try that shit with me Y/N, I'm looking right at you at I can clearly see your red, low eyes! You're high!"

I couldn't even say anything because I knows I was. "Man." I laughed throwing my head back.

She glared at me. "Do you think I'm playing with you Y/N?"

"Nahhh but I wish you were here playing with me." I said biting down on my bottom lip.

I could feel my dick twitch in my shorts just at the thought of her being bent over my lap right now, letting me fuck the shit outta her-

"Fix yourself before coming around your children!" Was the last thing she said before hanging up.

Damn I'm guessing she's pissed.

"Y/N!" I jumped hearing my name being called. I looked back to see Josh walking in.

"Yo we need to talk." He rushed out so fast I could barely understand what his ass said.

I nodded slowly. "Alright what's up?"

"You need to talk to Amanda."

"Bye Josh." I waved him off standing up dusting the residue from my clothes off.

He smacked his lips. "Man for real, this is serious. Don't you think this shit is out of control by now."

I sighed. "Alright man damn! I'll talk to her." Anything to get him out my damn face. He was blowing my high more than camila already has.

Josh grinned and clapped his hands. "Good, because she's outside on the balcony waiting for you."

"What?! Why in the fuck is she already here?"

He shrugged "I knew you would give in so I saved everyone time and brought her here with me."

I glared over at him. "I could've said no."

"But you didn't."

"Man I thought she went shopping with the rest of the girls?"

He shrugged. "She said she wasn't feeling good.
Now get up and talk to my lady please."

"Get the fuck outta my way punk ass." I mumbled pushing past him and making my way to the balcony.

Opening the sliding door slowly I could see Amanda standing there looking out to the water.

OvEr YoU?{sequel to NoT oVeR yOu}Where stories live. Discover now