She's growing up ☹/Set the record straight![76]

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Camila's POV.

"Look mommy, look at me!"

"Look mommy, look at me!"

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"I lost my toof!"

I gasped and took the small tooth in my hands. "Oh my gosh Ro, let mommy see!"

She happily smiled up at me and pointed with her finger. "See mommy! You see it!"

"Aww my baby is growing up." I pouted feeling tears start to swell up in my eyes.

"Don't cry mommy!" She said putting her head on my growing belly.

I pouted down at her while grabbing her face in my hands. "How can I not. My baby is growing up, you'll be starting school soon, and now you just lost your first tooth!"

"Aww mommy it's ok." She pouted wrapping her small arms around me and patting my back.

As she was hugging me, Y/N walked in with a concerned look on her face.

I pointed to Royalty and pouted. "Y/N our baby lost a tooth."

Her eyes grew wide and she put the things down in her hands and rushed over to us. "What, no way! Let momma see." She said doing her face exactly like I did before.

"Aww Ro, you're becoming a big girl."

"But momma, I already big girl!"

She nodded and smiled at me. "Well of course you are, but now you get a visit from the tooth fairy. Only very big kids get that visit."

Royalty gasped and bounced up and down. "Yay! I wanna see her!"

"Oh no, now you can't see her cause she comes when you're sleeping."

"Like Santa?"

"Yes baby, kinda like Santa. Now come on, let's go and put this special tooth away." I spoke as I grabbed her hand.

After getting Royalty settled and taking her bath and eating dinner. It was time for bed, she went down pretty easy on her own. Mostly because Y/N told her if she didn't go to sleep the tooth fairy wouldn't come.

"You know what I noticed?"

I looked over at Y/N and shrugged. "What's that?"

"That you... didn't give me.. a kiss today." She mumbled softly in my ear as her arms wrapped around me and she kissed my neck.

I giggled and pushed her off my body. "Well we were too busy with our daughter."

"Oh I know. But don't I deserve some attention too?"

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